भक्तिः कृष्णं सृजति
Welcome to the Swarna Swadharma Susanskrit Ashramof Vrinda Vrindavani Devi and many Devotees
Apparently most 'ashrams' are proprietors to the direction of Krishna. Here, we are too busy with Devotees. Merrily, so. Ours is also a golden, 7 star Ashram because that is what Maharaj says is better to help you look at a devotee with eyes full of understanding: as a 13year old would look at his first porn clip.
Plus, the whole process describing the relationship between Divinity, the Devotee grades worshipped by the Divinity and ordinary devotees such as ourselves - which uniquely characterizes this ashram - is still evolving, as Maharaj confesses. But he does know the percent he wants to share. The percent to which he wants to share, depends on the person. Yeah: unfortunate.

Devotees, Like Devotion, Are For Everyone,
And Like Everyone.
Can we say, God is for Elites.Can we say, God divides. I know we should say, true Devotees unite.
So our best bet is to look at the best amongst us, and take joy in their truth. If we strengthen the truth within the weakest amongst us, we strengthen Krishna Himself, the devotee of all devotees. Shiva Himself. For Shiva to continually flow/evolve into a loving monkey - more and more (though He still stays as Shiva). He stayed as Shiva when Hanuman's being was flowing into King Bali.

There are many paths to Krishna.
May be you like the one where there are fewer clothesthe higher up the Himalayas you go. But:
To get to the King of Six Opulences, Maharaj's pathway is one that also looks like you are getting close to the King of all Kings. We also start with fruit like you! Grapes, for example.

01 Harvesting
how am I supposed to know?
tears; understanding; finding a devotee, maybe even inside of you
02 Ageing
hope;magic, too;destruction of fear
commencement of the bhakti processes;
03 Bottling
whereverHe may be
tears to drops of soma; finding the King you set out to

Swadharma and Blood
swadharmaor blood;there is no possibility for contradictions in bhakti
otherwise you should know you are on the wrong path
life where you bleed and life where you live to live, a drunk life - are both equally SINFUL. One deserves the other.
its catastrophic when there is a path that Krishna Himself spoke of, that leads to Him and is likely the path He took.
I will SLAP the face that says Krishna was born a God, and the face that implies, Krishna did not have to work for it
our audacity is in looking at how Krishna became Krishna - from being a cowherd boy that took on the god with the orange hair
the path to swadharma, through swadharma is everything. this is why Maharaj calls it the golden path
the golden path should lead you straight to the King Himself.
why do I have to be clear right now? why should everything be free - when nothing free has respect!
otherwise it could be free, afterall
f the chukhotka's rus BTW
श्रेयान्स्वधर्मो विगुण: परधर्मात्स्वनुष्ठितात् | स्वधर्मे निधनं श्रेय: परधर्मो भयावह: || 35||
swadharmathe difference
the unity
devotee, or the lord.
devotee, and the lord!
believing what they tell you if you stay frightened
krishna is everything you lust for
big No! the som and its elusive elixir are not recipes to disasteronly Hanuman-ic addiction

swadharma: pure, prem, param
swadharma is the quality that characterizes devotion. it is what makes a devotee visible and effective. Maharaj details the concept of swadharma to help you focus on being a devotee. Your God is your personal matter, likewise your "religion". So come as you are, to the Vrindavani ashram for devotees and to the science of devotion.

is for everyoneregardless of your background
so come as you are
swadharma is for islam as much as it is for a sanatani bhakta. join us to know how the vrindavani maharani can resolve a unique but universal concept for you today
the concept of swadharma is within the very deep, deep reasons for the unique identity that the orthodox faith has today. swadharma is for everyone. Maharaj works on devotees - NOT the Personality of Godhead
swadharma identifies the nature of the work ahead for us. what it leaves to you, is how you go about accomplishing it, making the swadharma process out of the Bhagvad Gita a natural recourse for practising Buddhists
Maharaj's ashram has not to do with validating the existence of God for you - as much as there is validation for him: it has to do with the process of validating our devotion, using swadharma
come to swadharma
come home
come as you are

swadharma is FLOW
it is easy - the easiest

swadharma is for YOU
it is non-denominational

swadharma is golden
it has no substitutes

swadharma is FLOW
it is easy - the easiest

swadharma is for YOU
it is non-denominational