Just as Seeking All Manner of Help is Ram's Exclusive Prerogative, Getting Recognition is Hanuman's Alone

Baar Baar

Raghubir Sambhari

Harinama quipped in the middle, "yes and I added the part about the patties needing to taste like chicken". This incident made me sensitive to even super senior devotees needing left with (if) one thing: recognition for their contributions. 

I Painted the Palace of Gold

I claimed and sold the rights to claim.

I Saved Devotees

Got them out of Ukraine. Where is $

I Dealt with Kazakhstan

Helped the temple survive. Now I get $.

I Help Make Krishna's BTC

Now I can get recognized.

Yes - Maharaj's Ideas of Enabling Devotees Memorize Bhakti or Devotional Deeds Developed INDEPENDENTLY of the NFT industry.

The 2020 onwards craze was insinuated DIRECTLY as a response to Maharaj's BEX plans, featuring the BAJRANG COIN.

Does the Bajrang Coin Create NFTs?

In simple terms, YES. The original idea was to simply generate cryptographic signatures for unique bhakti deeds.

crediting devotees for divine contributions like painting the roof at the Palace of Gold.  Or fighting the commissioner in Mumbai.

then the NFT industry put the idea of selling these rights. 

Project 1

My paintings. My Privilege. Extra cash.

Yeah I painted the famous-EST painting you see being used everywhere year after year in Krishna's calendars. I wish sometimes people knew it was I who pulled it out of my heart, as per guidance contained within Prabhupada's letters, even if I can assist with more paintings. 

Project 2

I Gave Govinda's Precisely the Recipe Thats Selling Out Today

So yes - it was my idea basically to add five spoons of salt in every dish you will try at the sunday feast. But it tastes good and everyone is usually very hungry at the time of service. Regardless - this was my idea. Other places want to do just as well. I will use my NFT, which has enough proof identifying me as the unique ideator behind this. Indeed this is my recipe. Here it shows uploaded on a date earlier than it was uploaded on the temple site. I am planning to sell this credit to the highest bidder. If it doesnt sell, I can take this proof to my next place of employment!

Project 3

I Tried Saving Everyone (including Devotees) in Ukraine

I dont want to talk about it. But I went through a lot - at times using my own money and resources to make the effort. I have uploaded photographic and video proof as part of my deed / NFT / cryptographic signature. There is nothing to sell here. I just want people to know what we went through.
e6 coins minted - MATIC, BEC20, ARB
~ 0
Transaction Fee @ exch + NFT platform
~ 0
Minting Fee - Mint All You Do in Devotion
Years in Devotion Come as You Are