July 27, 2020By maharaj
This is when Maharaj decided to fuck them all. The mafia, the politicians, the endemic selfish cronies why call them Punjabi, and other shits. Aramican Randi Dollar as well. It feeds off of the beta currencies such as the Endtian Who-pee He establishes the Bhakti Exchange right away to remove finances from becoming a collateral
July 27, 2020By maharaj
We have never reached out. This is the dearth of confidence in a passionate candidate. What to speak of – in the past? BUT – at the expense of Muslim multiplication and fostering – the LAW and ORDER in admins past was MASSIVELY superior. The police state was absent. One could drive from in front
July 27, 2020By maharaj
These two were in cahoots with the City development agencies that would then feel absolutely remorseless over sending and impeding LIFE itself at the Domain. This is why the party got it too. Actually the whole of the Endtian society is CORRUPT and dirty as Charlie Munger once put it. More htan this – it
July 20, 2020By maharaj
I can also speak and show stuff. If you are so clean then why worry about being maligned. Your district level judges dont even know whose car to hold, who to punish. You held a 70 + yo retiree’s car that was parked on the side crashed into for six months in front of your
July 15, 2020By maharaj
Maharaj has identified June/July 2020 as when the US government neutered Trump. That was a time when Maharaj was probably done supporting Trump, and had gone in Biden’s camp. AFTER The Domain publicized this – March 2024 – Joe Rogan’s interviews/commentary SECONDING this have come out. I dont have time to see the whole thing
July 11, 2020By maharaj
Why did they all of a sudden started to rule YouTube mid 2020 onwards? If even in their respective individual countries. yes. these are pimps used to threaten and work on your mind and mood. but why then and why are they here? And how does it all work? please note, maharaj did not use
July 8, 2020By maharaj
Nobody’s business is broken so long as you do, what serves the elites of the United States of America In fact, they will enable your business, no matter what you do as part of your business So long as they are able to control you with their international system of rules
July 5, 2020By maharaj
As a direct response to the attackof the US Endtian deep state upon my family to displace us. Mid 2020 is when the Trumpian movement is FINISHED for all that it matters. With it, the Domain gets attacked because We left Trump before this date. For many reasons. – Details only for the warring e-Citizens
July 3, 2020By maharaj
and the Indians – aka Endtians dealing with the Consequences. Here again, I negotiate for the recognition of the sovereignty of The Domain. The Domain was not created among a bunch of suburban kids that print colorful flags. Many such arguments would go into getting those stamps! And money. Personal money.