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Now Reading: Murder for murder. Crime for crime.


Murder for murder. Crime for crime.

April 1, 20212 min read

They also incite.

By saying, families with good background dont go to courts – through media beamed, through videos beamed at oneself.

Using all manner of social media AND news sites – like Toilet news – YES that one. AND all others too. Event “the string” has programming. You know which one that is?

Maharaj yearns to get his hands on American (USA) protectees.

These go in and out of the Embassy in Chanakyapuri

That is where the US government stores all its black documents including ways to BULLY its citizens – especially girls.

The US government and its girl citizens have an unnatural relationship.

The USA is protecting the individuals mentioned in pink.

Maharaj is sworn to find and JUSTLY punish them for their role.

READ and ARISE!!!!

The broken gene pools of America will be nourished with YOUR genes and teh genes of YOUR FRESH BABIES.

They are supported BY Indian / Endtian governments in power since 2014 after Sonia Gandhi saved the raped “diplomat” of india. OPEN YOUR EYES and GET READY to list names and save your nation.

Help avenge Maharaj.

They are inside that embassy.

Maharaj got to that female doctor simply using his powerful family.

BUT the might of the USA is beyond reckoning for now. The Domain is weak for now and is being nourished. Once we have six figure addresses, then we will have fresh blood in us.

Until then we STRENGTHEN ourselves, domaineers. No violence. This is what they want.

Eat them like my termites from the inside out – SPIRITUALLY and EMOTIONALLY. Connect with me in energy.

They inside!!

Aramica did not just leave Maharaj when it came time to be there.

IT did all this! IT WILL DO IT to your little babies. In their pink little hands,  the government of the United States and India will infuse camphor and chemical so your progeny will be broken for the next 500 years and the weak PALE man will spread his alchemy. Smelly toothpaste and gangrine medicine.

vote for freedom!

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Dont give in to information operations carried out using publicly traded social media. Go to sankirtan. It is yours'!


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