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Now Reading: Why did the US kidnap my children and PSYCHED my wife out of our home?


Why did the US kidnap my children and PSYCHED my wife out of our home?

May 4, 20212 min read

The USA saw that there was more money to be made with the Sheikh of UAE than with all of maharaj’s family sold together.

So they sold our case file.

Probably maharaj’s unit was the only one that FOUGHT to keep Latifa safe in 2018 in Endtia.

So – Endtia aka India , no sorry – and USA, Aramica got together to present the heads of my family to the rich Sheiks of middle east.

The USA tortured my US citizen wife by DENYING her babies – VISAS to visit homeland, to visit her father that DIED for this SWINE of a country called USA – Endtia is even worse, this India is full of cockroach men that savagely only eat their own. The breed and teh race of Endtian Indians that is left over after colonialism is akin to that of dogs for the most part. Most of it has its pride dead. The others are busy destroying the manhood and teh pride of whoever has a spine here.

The whole FBI thing is just them deflecting blame from each other

BUT in hindsight – I would like to apologize for my position wrt Latifa – I think these European cunts would have destroyed her mind and broken her family and her father and her culture. Anywhere you see pale skin you know a lizard climbed out the den and one has to be careful – they dont do free charity. It is not possible for me to imagine them doing so – is a better way of putting it than saying they dont do it.



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