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Now Reading: A medical rape is also a rape if you feel violated by your gynaecologist, it does not matter if she is female, because most of these offenders go and find such professions where they have access to women’s parts


A medical rape is also a rape if you feel violated by your gynaecologist, it does not matter if she is female, because most of these offenders go and find such professions where they have access to women’s parts

July 8, 20222 min read

if it makes One feel violated

this tiny European country knows that America planned this to frustrate their own citizens and one of my women, into coming home

do you know what the embassy of the United States tells such citizens they tell them to go home but if you are a missionary, they tell you to go into the tribal lands, and destroy their way of life,while you take some money from us as well

other points in this particular piece of letter, relate with breaking even with this European nation,

because of the aggression that came from there, which was also state sponsored

This is why we asked for what we asked for, and that European nation gave it to all manner of Americans entering and leaving that country if you can understand who I am hinting at

and granted the sovereignty paper that my wife carried but they did not do anything for me imagine feeling frustrated and being turned around at a European airport

After being signaled by the core of that European nation and their Prime Minister as well


One more thing this is especially true when your gynaecologist has a woman’s body, but her face is like a man or she has small hair things like that. These are my thoughts anyways. Everywhere else is actual information and not my thoughts.

Also. Maharaj already has justice to the extent his loves would perhaps like apparently.

But his own justice is nonsystemic. Non systemic not because of the fight with judges

But. Because his provisions are not covered under the underpar, second class endtian “law”. This system is not underpar because it doesn’t allow for murder and torture, but there are numerous reasons otherwise, not least being this was crafted to subdue the India masses by the British.

Do you understand anything?

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