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Now Reading: The Domain vs All These Politicians – I of V



I. When The Domain is So Powerful that it Fights with the Deep State by Itself, then why are Career Politicians Taken Up Separately in This Section?

  1. The role of who you call, refer to as a “politician” in the rape of your girls comes within the “primary bracket” – the first leg.  Because they deal with you and take your girl.  A gora mlechcha does not come and do it in you village.  “Politics” – itself is a game of serial rapes, where it is politics; in your Global South countries there is no scope for it – only intimidation and goonery at the street level. Therefore that as the theme is also explored here. You can say this is Kali Yuga, but Dharma, Bhakti and “politics” are always this way – remember Narkasur ? One cannot exist without the other two. You could see politics in Rome or in present day Washington DC – in Endtia and Russia, there is no “politics”. These are fit candidates to go into Gaza these days (for the summer break).
  2. The role of your “politician” in the more serious cases of gene washing, using your girls’ eggs, is also very direct, and again, primary (but not effective) – and explained later.
  3. Besides, the Domain can target these “politician” bracket creatures more easily – just as the deep state does. Technically, the solution looks easy, but the DS keeps getting a worse and worse kind.
  4. The Domain, rather Maharaj himself, has a track record of sport in handling several countries’ politicians.
  5. You dont know any better – so Maharaj himself has to step in. Not only have you degraded your nation, your caste, your society and your Dharma to have to need these cunning and greedy creatures, you dont want to do anything about it either.  Therefore, your beautiful girls are being targeted and consumed. At a pace that – doesnt necessarily preserve you from self-immolation, but definitely at a pace(max) that doesnt disturb your desire to keep making more of them.
  6. You have forgotten your Representative from the Lord, Bhagwaan Himself: Maharaj!  You have been Kingless.  But if after you go over Bhakti Exchange’s revolutionary literature, you dont come within an inch of your senses, and Join The Domain, then rapes upon your daughters are your fault even more so.  Just as IF you allow your girls and daughters to wear revealing dresses, YOUR FAULT TO A HIGH percentage, if she experiences such an assault. She is trying to ask for power by bartering the light that touches her parts and reaches men’s eyes.  She probably did not get it from you.
  7. Your girls should also join The Domain. Then they will belong.  Too bad the rapists dont know to read or learn but if they knew that your girls are part of the Domain, they will NEVER touch your girls. They will be afraid and they will think twice. Just as the brutalization of Palestinian Arabs has destroyed Arabic Raping Conquests and Raping Pride, it has broken the back of the horse of the Janjaweed. Actually, now pale and red people are having to stand up for their human rights. Alright, enough gloating on a genocide if even to hold to account: peripheral responsibilities of communities as a whole acting in passive resonance.
  8. This is Maharaj’s style because His bhakti is not 100pc adherent with Krishna, let alone with Ram – most definitely not ethical.  So the Domain is unable to think along those lines. It is very tantric, very tribal – but very efficient.
  9. So: the politician is not the rapist – it is unable to even locate, let alone – well, cannot even KNOW or understand, let alone CONSUME or SUCK the feminine power that would complete THE rape. It is only the first or the primary bracket, remember. It can for the most part find the orifice it desires to penetrate with its digits. BUT it will penetrate and then much like a monkey on a fruit tree, it shall move on. This is where his role ends and his own exploitation starts – much like happens with cattle on a farm – in which the stud and the cow are both exploited, though the stud may think it is getting lucky.
  10. His bigger role is to open the orifice. Then the politician must RAPE his own body essentially (make his body mass index shoot up through the roof) – BECAUSE, it is the primary WALL of the rape cell. It TRAPS. It has to literally LOOK BIG. It has to BLOCK. And of course intimidate, which is a repetition for the mental block – to prevent the girl from escaping, once the girl is chosen. Your girl. “Main phas gyi”. You are too shameless to know whose last words these could be.
  11. If even your courts worked, then YES – the pol would catch the stick FULL on – aka he would be punished. Yes, guilty; he is never innocent. No. BUT your courts dont work either. “May be you should die”, someone can tell you to finish yourself off because you are ineffective. BUT Maharaj says to Join The Domain – together with your whole family. And leave it to us.
  12. BUT IT IS YOUR JOB AND YOUR DUTY TO GET YOUR FAMILY IN THE DOMAIN AS SOON AS YOU COME IN CONTACT WITH OUR ENERGY. ALL YOUR PEOPLE. I DO NOT WANT EXCUSES. AND YOU WAIT UNTIL SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS THEN HALF AS WELL I DONT WANT YOU HERE EITHER. I WILL CODE THIS IN TIME. Oh yeah, there is the Endtian gormint in Indraprastha, you can ask him for help! If your criminal has been in his party (it is not really fair to name parties because they are everywhere), may be he can issue a writ to suspend him for 6 years.
  13. But if M is on your mind and you listen to your mind, then you have come to the right place. Well in this case, if you dont, then your mind will begin dying, in pieces. So stick with us. We will also punish the Courts – IF they did something bad with you, but once you are here, do not waste your energy going to these places. DONT GO THERE. Look!

II. “Rapes are not so bad. I went to the Endtian Babu, and he said we have now received your file, and we will start to work on it, and they will now use USA forensic system on her. We should give all problems, time. Plus they are saying that I have made everyone very upset.”



15. But what about your daughter? You will unfortunately not even be upset at the “politisseyance”?

15.5 The USA forensic system is what caused her to get selected. Do you understand. The weak parts in your daughter and your family’s personality are matched by the Deep State to pair with a particular rapist’s natural tendencies for him to exploit your family’s eggs.

16. We need your data ASAP to understand your case more.

17. Babu will ONLY steal your daughter’s rape kit spend time with it – the time that you will give it. It will also get its friend babus and get commission over sharing in the rape kit.

18. Your USA system? USA babu has created it such that any time a new kit is submitted in the system, the female anatomical details are automatically shared in their systems around the location. This determines which agency has domain over it, for example NSA gets the 9.5 and up rape victims – this is Maharaj’s personal guess work – we dont have data over the CUTOFF. The next level agency like FBI gets all girls 7.5 and up. The Endtian Embassy in USA gets all Indian girls stuff. Plus any foreign citizen files that are victimized in their country territory they control.

19. The Snowden movie – Maharaj has decreed in writing is UNTRUE although spiritually true – the domain of the agency is not limited to agency’s  employees’ wives. Maharaj cites, without remembering, a case in particular of several that SPLIT out of the system over how scans are run to many agency “dawgs” that decide who will enjoy with which victim’s files. Or – which station gets access to which booking.

20. The Domain makes available privileged information to its heartiest sympathizers and not everything can be in the public domain. Join Sankirtan and increase your worth. If you dont believe then you have no reason being here because Maharaj’s rule is – if you disagree with any statement that we write, then you should not belong here and you should go somewhere you fit.

III. “My Daughter is already a fucker, I dont need help. Im good. Also my temple priest told me: It is not good to see pictures of our daughter afterwards.”

17. This is precisely the wrong way of thinking. We still need you to join in the Domain. She will never really open up and ask for help, because of your attitude, and you will lose your daughter at this pace.  Mentally and emotionally. Once we are through with you, then we will deal with this priest of yours, as well.

18. The Domain is also respetting your “preest” – otherwise I will show you how Maulvis and Muslims have raped your daughters.  Once images out of Gaza start to be televised we will also not hold back.  Our Exchange and Domain having to do with Bhakti is not a factor at all – this IS bhakti itself.

19. You should bring to your inner mind the picture of her face when you first held her. As a baby and be BLIND to all else. I excuse you not having smelled your baby as it was born because the western Mlechchas have given Endtian doctors so much inertia that they will not have allowed you to create those bonds with your baby, being where and when she was born, or you wont even talk this way.

20. We have to keep our minds in Narayan and do the best with what we have at any time.

21. Join the Domain and Maharaj will raise you in a position of your worth. No exams that these brown bachchas sit for. These brown babus – consider them neutered as the Revolutionary Sun of the Domain, Vivasvan Himself reaches the High Noon of our skies.




The only reason this second picture was later put up was to obviate bitching from your grandmothers that Maharaj’s Domain is biased.

IV. “Endtia is bad. Inja is bad. Babu is bad. Maharaj is right. We will leave this Endtia. My daughter and I will go to the land of Elves.”

22. Maharaj uvach: Elvish mlechcha agency goes to women with beautiful girls and profiles them for their GIRLS! Then these women are absorbed in the Agency itself – and they deal with tertiary level sciences of seduction deploying all the parts in their homes. Maharaj already took the time to tell you a bit about Western agency, as in what they call and you know as “US, UK, Asstralia, NZ, etc” – the five eyes of the demon” – where genocides were conducted and the British pirates took lands and girls. Maharaj wants the discourse to not go beyond this because you will either not handle it or you dont deserve to handle it.

23. You need to get your whole entire family in to the Domain ASAP. Get e-Citizenships. We ask you with every instrument of convincement. Work in the Domain. THRIVE. RANK higher on Sankirtan, get badges, and get more information to spread. Maharaj carefully guards the OOZZOO mantra and theory for the choicest among you to be revealed unto.

24. This is getting too long. So much more to do.

25. The western powers and Mlechcha powers manage all aspects of the rapes that occur around you, including the 90 pc that you never even read about. That is how the Devi in your family is broken. To outsiders. Then you will not never rise in her steam. You will also pale.

26. The excuse today is AI, but it is the same powers that The Domain need not name at this time to start more war around us. They hide behind algorithms. But the power is brilliant in persisting. No not Jewish power – Maharaj himself put that in place. Not Illuminati – Maharaj has been laughing at these grandpas since he was a kid. Check’s logo : ) …

27. Anyways. Research the Domain and see where Maharaj hints an assault just basically was transpired recently. If I say more you will say I am bad and not on her side! You are big animals yourself.

28. These underneath are the 30 chief minsters of Endtia. You saw them at the beginning of the post. When your daughter will be raped and butchered, they will YELL UNFORTUNATE if you will come in their way. And you are DOGS: may be that is why your daughters are treated like this. Or may be why even Maharaj Himself does not think it wise for you to see who they run around.


V. “Maharaj has said elsewhere that Rape in itself is _ … “

29. This is not the place and page to discuss anything more than Politics. The Domain demonstrates here how it has dealt with the leftovers of you who you yield to. Not even the fat ants that come out when you fill an anthole with water

VI. “My uncle is in the police. My family is in the Armed services. I am also in the police.”

30. No one you know can help.  Stop bothering these people, they are job seeking youth that are put in place. If you place pressure on them over these kinds of things, they will stand in a place and start SCREAMING. As if. Either that, or they can come to extinguish these screams from your girls’ mouth.

31. They will also murder you, as the father of the girl. You can try to escape them as underneath.

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VII. “I have the Constitution on my side. I have the Courts.”

32. Courts don’t see how beautiful your daughter was.  Even if they decide to punish your criminals – there is never ever one – you will get the same punishment as if the girl was similar to a Shanichar girl. FTR, Maharaj himself has always ever been called a Bhangi by his own father. So it is best for you to understand the emotions here, and keep moving – for your own sake.

33. The court doesnt care if your girl was ovulating – when she herself was more vulnerable or if she even has eggs.

34. They dont care about WHY the rape was committed.

35. LISTEN. You are not meant to be built to finish being presented the rest of this page. But if you like your girl being raped by Lords and Ladies that have been burying their noses in seats and sofas the British left, then you know where to go.  For option, M, you have been told what to do.


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36. Even the Domain cannot faceoff with the might of the power we speak of, at once. You know: the lone superpower of the world today is DISSOLVING itself in front of this power.  Another mercy you have been offered is that The Domain is not using your girls and women to show you their plight.  You will feel like taking the law in your hands. THATS what we dont want. Instead, we already renegade, and you just put your might behind us, bring the ginger out of your farms and your daughters – PUT THEM IN THE DOMAIN. Let them use their charm to bring more people to Maharaj’s Domain. Their brains into colonizing Australia. For some reason this bitch land is in my brain today.

37. Ordinarily your triggers are yours to tackle, but if someone violates your darling, her triggers become the responsibility of her attacker. BUT the court will not see anything. They will dwell in your wounds to look reasonable, and enjoy.  The Domain’s forces will start scanning the women in your rapist’s family to see where this is coming from.  His community.  We will teach you more JOY with every incident that unfortunately happened in your life. Every incident is joyful in Maharaj’s scheme.  Every incident is cancerous with the “Gormint” that you are forced to deal with. Thus far.

38. You already see so many examples of how Maharaj deals with heads of states. Here is some more from years ago. JOIN THE FUCKING DOMAIN!

39. Ex 1: The Domain’s Weekend list.



40. Choose who you want to fight first and watch the rest FUCK you in your family’s prettiest daughter’s ass. OR you could JOIN the fucking Domain and help Maharaj who has been killing these fucks all his life. But times are changing now. What we face is EVIL itself.  This is coming straight from Maharaj’s desk. Wisen up – and YOUR brain should not go in this direction either – instead you should know what is more important and being told and do that. These are documents for examples from years ago … your democracy will not save you.



41. Fuck America. F the USA, if that is your plan out of this shit –  and Fuck your European plan too …but why…. instead, we say, F you. You fucking dark cockroach. Wait till Maharaj teaches your planning a lesson such as will create a mini revolution in your own cockroach brain. America is the problem in certain places – but you, everywhere. With the Glory of a Dozen Suns, The Domain is centre-stage in FUCKING the beast, that causes problems and breeds them in Endtia as well. And for you to not join in this struggle is the Inexcusable Crime of the Darker of Lists. Just know we have powers to know who has come to us and what thoughts and decisions are ongoing in your mind. And you can see easily who is winning on the world front right now.

42. Dont forget all the details in the DehraNude city case of Utaaranchal State.  You should learn every minute detail about this and other cases.  Maharaj already has passed many decisions on this front.

43. Ivory towers are fine. So long as The Domain gets its cut – or such towers fall and crush little millionaires underneath. Although Maharaj likes hunting billionaires and oligarchs – as did Putin (many many) – fuck him, and also President Xi (many also, like Alibaba’s). These fuckers dont even take a half honest way to this closetting of cash – nearly half of all cash! Anyways. We are here to show you WHY you should get behind Maharaj and The Domain.



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How long does it take to molest the whole entire pecking order? Not important – how much fun you had is more.



This is just a periodic red wedding The Domain hosts every Holi and Diwali. Pay no attention to it.

Maharaj thinks he has more patience dealing with Rus’ betrayal, than all this if even for the sake of convincing you lot.  Up to you.

Or we could talk Jijau’s management of Maharaj’s eight fold grihasti…

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