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Now Reading: Since this guy keeps coming up


Since this guy keeps coming up

April 7, 20241 min read

I am forced to write about him.

Maulana Barkatullah.

I believe the credit to pull him out of the files of history and out of Bhopal into our modern discovers has to go to RT

When Vladimir Putin or any of his Minions would not give me even 2 minutes of time and space after I handed him my entire file over 2 years ago but after the war started, and I was kind of running around Moscow like a dog, that’s when RT was trolling me I guess.

There should be an article on him from October 2023 in RT and it was written to get and my skin because this guy got to meet Lenin twice and I remember reading this that time

Maulana Putin’s love for his peace bearers is old and strong

But let us return back to the point and the point is that the first prime minister of India is none other than Subhash Chandra Bose because he was the romantic knight that gave it his all to only be forgotten and walked all over

The revolution will never be free here after

And if you don’t agree with what I have written then you and I have very little in common just so you knew.

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