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Now Reading: You either believe – otherwise you are not mine! You can be many things otherwise, but not mine.


You either believe – otherwise you are not mine! You can be many things otherwise, but not mine.

May 16, 20243 min read

I dont know/remember if this has been written upon in the past.

Each time The Domain starts holding Finland accountable, the Northern Lights come.

Yes I know – perhaps this hasnt been discussed because gives away to you: I really am CRAZY or something. I get it.

But go away if you dont believe!

When Finland decided to torment me and then deny me some paperwork, which I obliged them in applying for it to begin with – the powers that be around The Domain caused for northern lights to appear in the tropical areas (around my location) to appear for the first time, or perhaps prominently so. I didnt see them though, but it hit me HARD because … the lights were in that paperwork.

Then when Im holding Finland accountable today, we are seeing these come on persistently.

IF you cannot come to believe that something this insane is ONE way The Domain is signaled then dont read anything else either.

But I know that many of you will actually believe and certainly not all of you and if you can come in the date in 2023 that we heard about this happening then I will fill you in with the date on the previous paper work that was snubbed by Finland

Now obviously there are pressures over a small country but if you pretend to be a small country in the very least don’t entirely go and hide behind the immunity that international geopolitics gives you

You cannot encroach upon a person of the world that has nothing to do with you no matter who may be pushing you and at least up hold your promises to such affected individuals or what kind of pressure are we speaking of

If you don’t send up to any pressure then you fall in line after the entity that is successfully resisting pressure

And then most certainly you cannot pretend to be on higher ground and your government people cannot go about business as usual in shiny dresses, act as if you’re something else, away from your two euro reality.

I happened to come across the image and decided to put it here regardless … from over a year ago.
ARISE AAWAKE – they are after our babies. our peace. our temples and Gods and they will kill you all. They will play ball with your skulls and cricket with your children’s skulls. That is who are Maharaj’s enemies.

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Dont give in to information operations carried out using publicly traded social media. Go to sankirtan. It is yours'!


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