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June 13, 20249 min read

Before I even begin to write, I am overwhelmed with a sense of challenge and the limitations of my own powers in making you, my reader, believe in what I am about to say.

I want to say if you don’t believe in what I am saying, then you don’t have to read to learn from any official information. But I will not speak like this. I will keep trying to make you believe.

At every milestone in my relationship with the Russian government and, more accurately, personally with President Vladimir Putin, the way that the Russian government makes itself heard is through articles on the RT news website.

At the same time, I am not convinced that it is entirely the Russian cabinet that dictates the articles that are directed at me. Believe me.

Instead, it appears that there is some kind of deep state entity that has, at times, ridiculed me when I have only tried to get closer to the Russian government. Because what the hell will I do fighting it or fighting you to another superpower?

Anyways, there was a milestone recently, I believe last week, and believe it or not, I was led to actually download RT because I had removed it from my devices for the past few months after being extremely angry at the Russian government for their treatment of me in Moscow.

Not only do I see this article targeting me, but the way these articles are written is taking all my information, and somehow these people have access to everything as if they are sitting in my country, which is far away from Russia and far away from the United States. Then they disguise it with the topic that they are going to discuss. Surprise, surprise. I am not famous, but they must think that I am worthy of being discussed for them to situate the article and place components within it that will resonate with you. There will be so many points of commonality between you and the article that you will start to slowly smile, gently smile.

So this is the way the Russian cabinet talks to me.

It is very difficult to keep your balance and remind yourself that it could be that, in return for RT’s access to Western markets, Western powers and other deep state entities have power over how articles are written and when a certain article is directed at a political actor.

Until I sat down to write this article, I was actually getting angry that the Russian government had implied that the United States Government only induces pedophilia into targets when there is already a propensity and the domain has proof that the reverse is true.

As I sat down to write this article and dove into the middle of it, I started to realize that it could have just been another deep state psychological operation to make it appear like the Russian government is again trying to buttress the West and predominantly the United States.

Now, as I am writing, look at what I am discovering.

As far as RT articles are concerned, they sometimes get under my skin, and other times they are full of flattery—we can attribute this to a deep state that governs the content of RT articles.

Now, we bring to mind so many instances where the Russian government itself has actually tried to take the blame off the West and the United States, where it is right to incriminate itself just so the West does not have to be standing painted in a corner.

In the last article before this one, I have given several examples, but there are so many more. Just one article is the friendship with the Taliban.

So this discussion is leading to a conclusion that President Vladimir Putin may not be singularly in charge of even the Russian side of activity.

I swear to God I started this article out—I swear upon Krishna—actually feeling very positive about the role of the United States. I was going to write that a peace deal given to Putin would be the act of an enemy because Putin has killed nearly 800,000 people so far. As the truth inside of me kept coming to the fore, I came to a conclusion that I had not imagined.

I know this is not very satisfactory to read, but you are in my exchange and you are looking at the life that I am living.


For some reason I will not include this latest RT attack.


But here are two from my memory.

When I was running from the Foreign Ministry of Russia (one of the seven Stalin sister buildings) to the Dom 12 – to get recognition for the sovereignty of the  Domain, and getting nowhere because “Russia” was kind of made to RENEGE after its embassy promised the promise – with two letters – who gets that? – RT took out an article over this muslim man – sure to get under my skin – who actually came to Moscow in early 1900s and visited with Lenin twice and declared himself the PM or something of India – the muslim man was from Bhopal – he then ran away to US but Russia had named a street on him.

And the sharp comment was that this muslim Bhopali man had edged out Subhash Chandra Bose – a man out of our clan, my clan – in fighting the British and declaring independence.

Then when I was testing waters, writing secondary letters – then – Patrushev was bitching back at me, using RT articles that all foreigners can come and obey Russian laws and be Russian citizens.  My whole premise was sovereignty – what the fuck else did I want to go to Russia for, OVER all the discussion? INDEED I did have love for two women, and continue to be attracted to the Russian girl, very hard to get that 15 year old or may be 16 – out of my skull. In fact I think of her every day 50o times, like this incarcerated lawyer of Trump said he used to, in his case.  partly becuase, I am a day dreamer since my childhood ab*.  But I do so abt my wife as well – but to a slightly lower degree, slightly.

Another time, they ridiculed my family with saying vegan activists live in that suburb and take and tour their cows in the red square. This even actually happened and in the middle of all else, this was also planted.

The muslim revolutionary was in the RT scroll two or three times – and he had also come country then country as I went to Russia.

PS: I found ONE article – I was in Moscow for my first visit, newly arrived when they printed this. The others are easy to find also and you can connect the dots. MAKE DOMAIN YOURS – MAKE MY CASE YOUR CASE. Otherwise, why bother?

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Dont give in to information operations carried out using publicly traded social media. Go to sankirtan. It is yours'!


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