February 27, 2024By maharaj
Because these are all people heading states in the four directions and in hell. Be my friend first.
February 16, 2024By maharaj
Who is like a father figure for all of us. For bringing up JP’s immense contributions. JP’s significance to the Exchange and to Maharaj himself is more than just synchrono-logical. His courage. Only a father figure would remember and draw it unto us. Thank you _/\_ PS: But what prompted this is not an ordinary
February 15, 2024By maharaj
She actually said the words. And I remember the only other words as follows: you didnt need to bring your wife (well, yeah, because my wife had created a new little ruckus outside the shitty Aramican Harami Embassy in Chanakyapuri within Aryavarta, in resposne to the usual State of Affairs out of the State Dept!
February 13, 2024By maharaj
This morning I was pushed this – published an hour ago it says. It speaks of how the father of Lalitaditya, Pratapaditya won over Huns.
February 9, 2024By maharaj
The way Maharaj’s home was attacked and broken: 2022 – 2023, and various people went to their countries.
February 9, 2024By maharaj
And the Uttarakhand Land Ordinance being declared in lock step.