February 11, 20251 min read
June 5, 2024By maharaj
But I will not write everything down again. Here. After the Domain pulled up the Rusi Embassy in Delhi for celebrating – by acknowledging – the murder of a pulitzer prize wnning photographer and a son of India, a son of India’s poor – we saw in quick succession Putin starting this with Taliban.
May 31, 2024By maharaj
For this one post, you may have to have a higher membership level. This is important: 1) Binsar plot is now turning to take all of myself away from work and my own self because drama is starting. I am realizing that POWER for men is everything. First things will be gotten first. I will
May 21, 2024By maharaj
One belongs to who the USA wants in its borders. The black card in the hand – with perhaps what can be called free money. It is maxxed out. The other screenshot is from my Capital One credit card account – it is maxxed out from the hospital bills of my father who the US
May 20, 2024By maharaj
I dont think you will believe so I will not go in great detail but there was an article in 22/23 … with Adam Levine’s messages to women and their salaciousness were matched with things I had written to women, but my women. The whole article was that way such that it gets under your
May 20, 2024By maharaj
Guys – just as Raisi’s helicoptor crashed the first time last night was it – thats when this 60 minutes video was uploaded right away. .. in there, the host asked Raisi over reciprocating for Qassem Soleimani’s death. When Soleimani died I saw an image of him being embraced by a personality I dont know
May 16, 2024By maharaj
I dont know/remember if this has been written upon in the past. Each time The Domain starts holding Finland accountable, the Northern Lights come. Yes I know – perhaps this hasnt been discussed because gives away to you: I really am CRAZY or something. I get it. But go away if you dont believe! When
May 14, 2024By maharaj
She comes online and makes a quip. She is well mannered. And trained well. And a murderer. Actually a video prompted this post today: meant to write for some time. But I had it in my list of things to do. The FIUR cabal – Finland, Israel, USA and Russia are just as deft at
April 27, 2024By maharaj
But the response of the Maharaj is singular – FIGHT. For context, read this first: Dear President Xi The day after this addendum to the continuing letter to the Chinese Emperor was published, the man calls me. Not President Xi ofc not. The owner of the land and asks me to take it, in return
April 9, 2024By maharaj
If you really follow us then you know where The Domain and Maharaj himself took responsibility for damages that were attributed to an “earthquake” about a year and half ago A public service enterprise took the blame in Endtia. Although they are killers but … at other times The earthquake we took responsibility for was
March 29, 2024By maharaj
Imitation is of course flattery. Although I quietly wonder if this will dilute my ideas and my work even more!? Or will it give my work credence? I should become friends with Ukraine even more so and whatever else in the Deep state can come for me. Guys! Bhakti Exchange started offering you e-Citizenships in