August 26, 20241 min read
March 15, 2024By maharaj
Friends don’t take friends money peace family We can’t afford friendship with the United States and the satellites like India, and all of this other garbage from the Third World and now, some really very very weird stuff is going on with my Airbnb that cannot make sense for anybody and regardless of what they
March 12, 2024By maharaj
The Romance comes before the fuck Usually But when you look at it in the Endtian context… USA and India context The order is reversed Yes
March 12, 2024By maharaj
Then, maybe there would have been more friends Speaking like an administrator, and unlike a family man, even still, there would have been more strength in Bhaarat. oh, and before I forget and move on, if you will read the social media, you can see exactly what the problems are with America And if
March 11, 2024By maharaj
The looming breakdown of NATO and the advent of World War III and the roles played by several powers in their dealings with the domain Maharaj has crafted a thesis of universal complicity of action in the 21st-century, and it basically explains why whatever big or small that’s going down, including for example the Covid
March 11, 2024By maharaj
And she took her clothes off and she danced my style, in my style
March 11, 2024By maharaj
We don’t have any enemies until you declare yourself as such Our mission is home for Maharaj A man that does not compromise on the theory of religion, life and the pursuit of happiness If his faculties can be accommodated in a nation state, then we can all live in there with freedom, happiness, fulfillment,
March 11, 2024By maharaj
As you see, with most of the issues that others are taking on, the domain crafted an entire theory upon some thing that is depleting the wealth of the global south, and the main tool being used to do so, which is the post pandemic Abrahamic, dollar I was all for this before. Russia stabbed
March 10, 2024By maharaj
And on the flipside, the pale ones, don’t know how to Nine years ago, maharaj was teaching the Russians A lot of the detail is redacted and available only to the e-citizens of the domain of course, the clever audience has already guessed that the deep state continues to trail Maharaj and his family,
March 10, 2024By maharaj
There’s is called mutual And you will find out about ours once you go through the domain What you instead need to do is research this whole entire project for the sake of the world, yours and mine What does it feel like when two super powers the US and China go together to create