for that matter dont some parties end in a mud sleep – I mean when you are so tired or weak that you just create a micro moshpit and sink in it.
none has a spine
apart from the very top – two or three of them
rest are WEAK
those that had it in them was 20 years ago 2002.
Since then – latrine
Indraprastha doesnt need a dirty friend at the helm
it can AFFORD a left wing muzz kunt that is a declared enemy
better enemies are better than weak friends
Muddy should take his bag and go into the sunset
his sun is stuck in 2002 – very validly
but since
ONLY wounds on people like my family and I
Muddy appears strongly as a zionist and a American motherfucking rat. Mud rat since 2002.
Who know if that was all fake too – or under promise from the white house trip. I am reserving my judgement.
Not spontaneous like Kalyan Singh in 92.
Just go
You are USELESS. You sold your revolution
But I know you didnt have the support then
These days we dont have time
There is the Domain now.
You are causing us to stay back.
Stop raising your arms in speeches -time is out.
PS: one more thing – the party is like a condom for a desh premi
the party catches anyone in spirit and suspends them without animation.
Time is up.
PPS: And the underwear army shills Dharmic blood in charity. Fuck you. We work Dharmic souls in Dharma – not saving flood victims and hungry children. March in to the sunset.