Dear PM Khan:

Do not mind this rhetoric from an old man from India.

This man is a ghar chhod, and a mask on the imperialists whom he has served and his office has also done the same, short of … I mentioned this elsewhere.

Maharaj showed them who actually has the beggar bowl in their hands.

At least you dont pawn OFF your warriors over a decade, when the whole world gets against you. You cherish BRAVERY and DEVOTION. You DONT try to BREAK them like the “head of the Hindace” today that we must stick with like an old wife must with an alcoholic husband that just doesnt die – drinks and beats her.

Our family would keep the subcontinent under one pink color.

I see what is happening in the north – and when there are so many souls they should have their own city. For all the money given.

How many times MY FAMILY has put Afghanistan where it belonged. And there was no such BS as this Birkistan and Bulldozistan in the North. All fucking Russian fucks and the old Russian man’s dreams over Vodka – he will come on his camel for his Stans.

For my part I love Russian bishes and cakes.

Or in the equivalence of Muktpida, there could be – his campaigns were not short of carpet bombings.

They are your kids over there, too. They were Muzzies attacking Muzzies.

Have it your way. You know who killed the most number of Muzzies? A muslim Khan.

PS: I wish you good health and I wish those images were not real. Stay young.

PS2: Give me lands that belong to me. I will LOVE to come. And girls. Girls of our family and they can have your teachings. My teachings are similar.

images (1)

Rep Ilhan Omer: We are Sorry.

For them making you feel you are any less of an American

They are fuckers

with dual standards

Whats valid for them when dealing

with their roots

like Scotland or show off their Irish heritage

is suddenly treasonous

if you do the same for Somalia

let them talk

The Domain sympathizes with your patriotism

so do a million Aaron Bushnells

if there could even be so many of them

in Heaven.

It makes zero diff to us

what they call you out on

it is the immigrant that defines the USA

their time is over

(Y)our time is now

dont let them steal Europe

Europe has to answer for its past

Dont let Rus shine in OUR place!

Is this Mother Kali’s coin


This – as the name you guessed rightfully means – a flower ripe for picking.

Maharaj especially created some Russian, in KaШi, to give you a word that doesnt link this coin to Mother Kali

But she has elaborations on spines, for eyebrows?

We all have eyebrows (and spines)

The Hindus will mock us for using this coin

They are saying Mullaquut mean a Muslim genocide?

Why all these questions today? You tell them Mullaquut means a meeting!

Let us get back on Bhakti Exchange and get some work done.

Muddy should resign and mix his party in mud

for that matter dont some parties end in a mud sleep – I mean when you are so tired or weak that you just create a micro moshpit and sink in it.

none has a spine


apart from the very top – two or three of them

rest are WEAK

those that had it in them was 20 years ago 2002.

Since then – latrine

Indraprastha doesnt need a dirty friend at the helm

it can AFFORD a left wing muzz kunt that is a declared enemy

better enemies are better than weak friends

Muddy should take his bag and go into the sunset

his sun is stuck in 2002 – very validly

but since

ONLY wounds on people like my family and I

Muddy appears strongly as a zionist and a American motherfucking rat. Mud rat since 2002.

Who know if that was all fake too – or under promise from the white house trip. I am reserving my judgement.

Not spontaneous like Kalyan Singh in 92.

Just go

You are USELESS. You sold your revolution

But I know you didnt have the support then

These days we dont have time

There is the Domain now.

You are causing us to stay back.

Stop raising your arms in speeches -time is out.

PS: one more thing – the party is like a condom for a desh premi

the party catches anyone in spirit and suspends them without animation.


Time is up.

PPS: And the underwear army shills Dharmic blood in charity. Fuck you. We work Dharmic souls in Dharma – not saving flood victims and hungry children. March in to the sunset.