
एकदामयाशूकरं देवस्यपरमंव्यक्तित्वं tulsi icon कृतम् Untitled design (23) अन्यदामकालक्ष्मीं भक्तंकृतवान् Untitled design (22) तथा तुलसीदास परं तुलसी दासः ramcharitamans (3) प्रेषयामि यदात्वंभक्तिं विस्मरसि ramcharitamans (50 x 110 px) (2)

1 Tulsi Patram

each mahalakshmi coin is backed by a single leaf in living reserves at the exchange

1g. of Gold

each mahalakshmi coin shall forever be bought back by the exchange for the spot rate for 1g of gold

threshold coin

therefore, its value is forever to be greater than or equal to the g. of gold, at which rate the exchange will offer

How precious?

“When Satyabhama did so, the scale tipped in favor of the wealth, symbolizing the purity associated with Tulsi.”

the mahalakshmi coin, Maharaj's Bhakti & the Cunning of legal materialists

Prevents Investment Designation

once deemed an investment by the aggressive materialists, our donations are besmirched

Howey Test

the eyes of the cunning materialists can see how green leaves rot, obviating an investment designation


the value of green leaves do not ebb nor crest

keeps extremists away

no - not even terrorists, nor even missionaries have any use for coins that are backed by green leaves

trapping appreciation for krishna mechanism

please see how the exchange can trap appreciation the devotional community brings to our coins, in addition to building 100 pc gold reserves - a prerogative of the exchange, a promise out Maharaj ji personally, but not a pre-requisite for the mahalakshmi coin. The pre-requisite is over tulsi patram reserves.

Passing Inflation

since this coin is our "patram" - leaf, of mother tulsi, and the exchange arbitrarily passes it to our community for a g. of gold, we cannot pass any inflation along for krishna coin mechanism

maharaj's prestige

That, and Presence. The exchange is working to extrapolate Maharaj's biological signatures into cryptographic ones to tie his presence to operations, personally.

Stop Funding Oil Economies

When you invest in oil economy "gormints" and their predatory financial systems, you invest in your own slavery and "asuri" - demonic schemes.

Better than physical gold

central banks and federal reserves are disallowed from participating in our offerings, allowing for a more natural reflection in prices, affordability and self governance

if i dont make it better than "gold backed stablecoins", i shouldnt ask you to come despite this being your exchange

mahalakshmi coin evolution using the vrinda devi Roadmap


Research & Prep.

  • null Conceptualization
  • null Initial reserves: Maharaj’s personal tulsi dal
  • null Maharaj’s personal gold as promise – not as obligation
  • nullThe mahalakshmi coin is treated the same – over five different blockchains. This way we are dimensionally secure – ETH, BEC, MATIC, ARBITRUM and AVALANCHE chains deploy Maharani’s coins – with DIFFERENT txn fees.
  • null Personal audit 1 – end of day to tally leaves
  • null Personal audit 2 – measure of gold against sales
  • null Domain party to lawsuit in the Nordics, over getting the promised sanctuary: sovereign land to ultimately implement gold custody.
  • null Domain geopolitically battling to get a second lot of sovereign land with the northern regions. Gold custody should ideally be self custody.
  • nullMaharani sits with Vishnu in His Kurma avatar at this time
  • null Gormints – clueless against Maharaj’s astutely devised policies, under the Domain. Please note most have already capitulated policy wise and geopolitically, against the Domain.
In Progress

First Volume Minting Session

  • null Take into account any “gormint” policy evolution anywhere Domain extends.
  • nullHopefully, our “sangat” is less fearful, perhaps. 
  • null Minted mahalakshmi coins reserved against initial market sourced leaf reserves as per need.
  • nullFor maharaj ji’s promise, minted mahalakshmi coins see reserves of PREMINTED GOLD, smart contracted to the exchange, with listed mining entities.
  • null If Domain lands have been secured, physical custody supersedes all options.
  • nullTulsi Maharani with other Ranis, has evolved Shri Vishnu into the varaha form.
  • nullWonderment over why over a mahalakshmi token, Tulsi Maharani rules – starts to intensify and abate at the same time.
  • nullI will still not have enough courage to hold promised gold reserves in any yavana pradeshas (Switzerland/Leicht.) – they are under the deep state. London and Fed in NY are THE deep state. Where would you go?
  • nullIf the volume is high, then the Exchange will acquire gold assets on other blockchains. The acquirer of the coins pays the 1 or 2 or so percent of storage and other charges. The exchange cant help this. We are trying.

Major Mint Underway

  • null At this stage, Mother Vrinda is done preparing/evolving Vishnu into an avatar for the masses (we wont see her face anymore). You get Ram. Ram is going to face the ordinary person on the street – his specials are not the exalted devotees like Radha, Guna, Rukmini etc. Where is this headed? Mother Mahalakshmi is also preparing. The top devotees are done doing their deeds – the avatars must follow. 
  • null UkraNEON files on precipice countries are readied and allow the Domain to negotiate direct custody of our gold in such places – Nepal, Latvia, etc.
  • null Choice offered to store your reserves from a variety of options. Vault, pre-mined, other blockchains, or other soon to be revealed Domain custody arrangements.
  • null 3rd party audits arranged. These are not like the big 4 thief firms – rest assured, these will be our critics. Other exalted devotee associations of which there are many – or a combination of entities. Again – daily audits, or weekly or monthly – as you like it.

Final Stage.

  • null Eons after her husband conquered whatever there was with her devotion, Tulsi readies a second man for battle, and for the man on the street.
  • null Economies of scale for building tulsi patram reserves. As well, for gold acquisition and storage – owing to maharaj ji’s promise.
  • null Reserves are in self custody.
  • A well balanced solution for devotee gold stuck under temple committees has been devised. If only to stop being the bait it is at the present time for continued agressions. Using such gold for reserving the mahalakshmi tokens in a balance of payments. In reverse implementing a network of temples to store Exchange gold as well – historically the safest bet.
  • null Why should a Kerala prince have Martand for a first name? I dont want to start a discussion right now – the inertia is still to be built.
  • nullFour dimensional audits – interally implemented using devotee committees that rotate amongst devotee members – ONLY those that possess the coin.
  • null The Domain weight at this time should allow for non-custodial gold promissiory reserves in Yavanadesh (modern Europe), Madhyadesh and Buddhadesh (China and East Asia)
  • nullThe domain has arrangements with a state within Hanumandesh (modern Africa) – and we should soon announce coins on their commodities. Custodial reserves can be arranged there as well.

“I put for collateral the ring most dear to me and always on my hand - it does not have a deity on it. It is plenty to start this project.”


& Domain

Who worships Mahalakshmi? Not someone like me. Outside of Diwali. How many temples are dedicated to this form of mother goddess? I have tried to be close to Tulja Bhawani from my months worth of research on Shivaji. But the feelings just kept failing - I always came home to Shiva, then to Krishna, sometimes entirely to Ram - even to Maharaj Shivaji Himself.


& the Domain

I never worshipped any of the mothers - though I envied people like Gulshan Kumar - frustratingly so, who have been such ardent devotees of the Shakta tradition, or the mother's cult. Upadrav needs Shiva shakti, and Krishna's cunning. After western banks ghosted my accounts - and I still keep begging for a proper agency/institution NOTICE as to WHY you wont let me access my money - I was left with little money. I went to get Mahavishnu with that money, because - well. From a respectable place. I was given the deity. The jewellers - traditional Bharatiya, and I, have both known both Vishnu and Ma Lakshmi all our lives, of course.


& the Domain

I came home to know the deity was not even Vishnu! I came home to know her as the mother goddess, she was Mahalakshmi herself. I had never seen Lakshmi with so many full fledged weapons before.  From that day onwards, She has been in my life with Her grace and mercy. Several other big personal things also started right then. At that age - only a few months ago, late thirties - the story of Vrinda devi, Lord Vishnu and Jalandhar was revealed to me and how that related to the stage of the Domain's war at that time. This is how I came to be a devotee of Mahalakshmi, who brought me to Vrinda Devi. Her mercy was so exclusive. Both Shiva and Vishu never spoke of their failings, with Vrinda devi's husband, that is how I interpret this in detail.


& the Domain
  • This is not investment.

  • This is a donation that you control.

  • The reserves are Tulsi patram. Not Gold.

  • Gold is only Maharaj Ji's promise to be reserved additionally.

  • Because some truly dont know the price of a leaf of tulsi.

  • This is not investment.

  • This is a donation that you control.

  • The reserves are Tulsi patram. Not Gold.

  • Gold is only Maharaj Ji's promise to be reserved additionally.

  • Because some truly dont know the price of a leaf of tulsi.


Use Cases

Why this option is different – but wait – why am I convincing you after doing all of this, myself. Take it or leave it – something has to give.

100 patram

Initial reserves

2 %

Processing and Handling

or lower if you find lower elsewhere

100 g

Maharajji's Gold Promissory Reserves

not redeemable by you. you are ONLY allowed to sell your coin and go, or cash out in patram

0 %

Exchange Fees

We will be a 0 pc exchange forever. Or as close to zero as possible.


Let’s Stay In Touch

Maiya, vastra na ho pata blank



