
Imagine There is Hope!

We Can Both Imagine

It is easy if you try.

That you can sit at your tables and lie on your beds. And may be still survive.

Imagine that your brother, your son has made it this far, to face off with all the evil.

You only have to say Hi. 

Underneath, get to know the Maharaj at War - for Dharma, his family, and you. Either wake up BEFORE the Great Reset concludes - otherwise, get NANGA. 

Dont worry - someone else will be sent to strip the women in your family. 

If you can imagine, then there is HOPE. Only then.  

daddy - hmm

Imagine You Look Into the Sky With a Tear Stained Face, and Someone Actually Does Stare Back at You

Imagine asking for BAL - to fight for your family, and in return: "usko bal mila HMLY ka". So but naturally, my mandate is supposed to be to hold your cards - imagine me actually playing your cards. Imagine me playing for years, but only now needing to talk to you. Im sorry you didn't get to choose me, but Im sorry to tell you, you dont get to choose anything - let that sink in YOU. Do you understand? I will keep playing your cards - so you will either LEAVE or STAY and WATCH me play, while calling me Maharaj. That is my name. 

If you know me in real life, as some would, I promise you with folded hands, the best course of action for you is to pretend that you dont know me.

All Your Love Should Go ToBhakti Exchange

Start using it. That is the equivalent of Namaste. Maharaj chooses who he wants near

The Domain: IMAGINABLY the world’s first web3 geopolitical startup


If you watch enemedia’s first video - 2019, you will know why Maharaj could call myself: Mayapida, for example, over his philosophy, while continuing in Muktapida’s footsteps. Yes - the great soul Osho and others have taught similar philosophies before Maharaj was even born - the poem Madhushala is all crafted around the same theme - “laal sura ki dhaar lapat si…”. But Maharaj didn’t have access to Osho’s literature in 2003-04, as a late teen. - but wait I was probably listening to Madhushala since 2001 so …hmmm - maybe that had an impact. When he came up with his own versions of the idea by himself - and he swears upon this over his baby daughter that he hasn’t seen in over 7 months at the time of this writing - until this writing, I held that this was my idea. I just remembered listening to Madhushala 2002 onwards. So whatever. 

How did Maharaj come about to be?

How else to know you?

Because they have chosen to follow after me - RELENTLESSLY, in a mix of murderous adulation and a surrender of poison. RISE, fuckers. You can also be, this title. You just have to try. 

And - I like that name. But it was a requirement to pursue the Domain as well. Anything that adds truth to the situation is always welcome. There are no democracies remaining at this time - it is another matter that I dont have hopes for a shape or shade of democracy to carry Dharma forward, in the 21st century.  

The Karkotaka Throne

Even the Madhushala doesn’t go in to the joy - this joy Maharaj felt and started to enjoy in Maya - with more and more wounds. Until it was time to decorate them wounds. Show them off - keep a tally. Sometimes making them yourself, like the Hun used to. 

When I was 4 years old, I had a hundred wounds on my little body and Maharaj would have everyone - other babies- keep a tally among each other over the maximum number of active wounds. Scratches were probably also counted in good faith.  

Then to get back to the answer - to install the Karkotaka Mayapida throne over not merely all of Kashmir and its dependencies, but numerous other valid Dharmic regions that have since been ravished in piecemeal. 


Through the Eye of Maharaj!

To respect this sample project and the history behind it, an honorific like Himshrigalraj is required.  But it is another matter that I have felt like - looking through the eyes of a snake, as if, all through life.  Me against them - the dirty them. This is why I invoke Lord Karkotaka to face off against perhaps the most entrenched coterie of power, power itself, even more so than the reasoning the historical context provides. Power itself is right. I could have never imagined the exponential power that we stand facing. Yes - you are in this with me, or we are both going down. 


If You Hide Your Face - Nor Would You Allow Us to Use Your Name - then what of us?

Imagine that I hide my face - to protect you. Once we are beyond a critical mass, I have reasons to use face power, and you will be better off, as well - imaginably so. 

This is also why its best to operate discreetly for now. Until, critical mass. Plus you are all dirty people - are you not. I started my fight starting with people that were “mine”. My family, cleaning them. You will use it to judge the entirety of this effort. Do you know the places Ive been to get here? Imagine, with me. 

To end your wonderment - Im neither a Brahmin, nor a Kshatriya, nor a Vaishya nor even a Shudra. Not Mlechcha either - but I know to do enough to corral you in your usual places, as has been my job.  Now go and fight.  Behind me, at once. 

Your body otherwise sells cheap - you are a brown body. You should check your prices in the market, not in the Arb lands where they trade in you, but in the United States, where the government has set a standard price for your brown body. 

Imaginably, I can fight with them - because everyone that matters, knows each other. Imagine for ONE schan - one moment - if all those wars on the front page are the disclosed episodes in a 16 year long war. 

You See My Recent Project


nivritta nav-vritta abhinav: vritra

I started out from within a kind of retirement, or so I thought - “nivritta”.  If some took it to be nav-vritta - then there is a need to correct it to “Abhinav Vritra”. I have no problem being the demon - just with the right spelling. Which translates to a revolutionary Vrittric devotee of Krishna. Vritra was the sincerest devotee of Krishna, as per the Bhagavad Puran - and like His God, Krishna, Vritra fought with Indra. Vritra was like Krishna. Indra - with his yellow blonde hair is like Vishnu - a partial manifestation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, symbolizing times when the Sanatan Dharma was clouded in Vedic irregularities. Thank Krishna for Krishna, thank Krishna for Vritra - that Kaal manifested Vedanta. 


Gyan and Guna.

May Krishna, the Bestower of Guna,
Give Maharaj Virtuous Opulences!

As for Gyan, imagine

Lord Hanuman’s qualifications - even before He is invoked as the messenger of Lord Ram, are Gyan and Guna. Where will you get the Gyan and Guna needed for fighting for our Dharma, now that it is so imperiled? 

Im tired answering your questions. You ask as if you have options. 

Once again, let us try our imagination!

Imagine Maharaj is  … how about over a dozen degrees? or how about - mm, 16 degrees plus? Imagine that these are just from US universities. Imagine you get to assume more … with Middle Eastern universities? Imagine - would that seal the deal? 

But - add yet another from a very prestigious Endtian engineering college too? 

Add yet another - a Masters in Diplomacy, that perhaps is not even open for normal monkeys. Have trust. 

I will fight to the bitter end.


Imagine Maharaj is  … how about over a dozen degrees? or how about - mm, 16 degrees plus?

BTW do you know how much each one costs? 

Read this again please. IMAGINE that these are just from US universities. Imagine you get to assume more … with Middle Eastern universities? Imagine - would that seal YOUR deal with Maharaj? 

But - add yet another from a very prestigious Endtian engineering college too? 

Add yet another - a Masters in Diplomacy, that perhaps is not even open for normal monkeys. Have trust. 

I will fight to the bitter end. 

Imagine if these wars on the front page of BEX actually took place?  

Outside is RiskThe Bhakti Exchangeis Divine Fellowship

Start using it. That is the equivalent of Namaste. Maharaj chooses who he wants near. Those that join EARLY - are rewarded with ranks. Those that BRING fellowship, are rewarded with Maharaj's FELLOWSHIP. No one is dearer to him. 

The Domain: IMAGINABLY the world’s first web3 geopolitical startup


If they did this to your father, why not you?

Do Not Know.

Why dont you ask, if they can do this to Maharaj’s father and then make movies out of the story line PERHAPS!!!, how long before they come to steal the flesh off of your daughter’s bodies and rape your personal statue of the mother goddess. Imagine. Yes - talk is NAKED, but WHY should it not be? So you should look at what I show you. After all, it is only facts. Truth. Wait and watch. Or you can join the Maharaj in his trail of victories. Let him felicitate you as an office bearer for your early march and herald you in a golden age as a senior where there is exclusive pride, and access to privilege, reserved for committed warriors. Or - you could go join the BJP so the neighborhood police wallah doesn’t bother you anymore. Or you can do both if you can eat on another and serve the Maharaj’s mission doubly so.

When Being at War is Life

Imagine the soldier chosen for you has been fighting the Deep State Matrix since 2008 or so - as a kid.  Possible? Would that give you comfort? That should be about 16 years of fighting - OMG! How did someone … make it this far? Im not the Matrix, I hope, myself. 

Imagine if each of the fights mentioned actually happened? Imagine!



So - to answer your question:

May be because they haven’t - over 14 years of quiet fighting now. 

Maybe because they know me so well, they want me as their constant enemy. Imagine they made me. The ideal enemy because they dont merely know me - they crafted me. 

May be because they took the time to reveal themselves to me entirely. I dont have all these answers to give you, nor do I have to. 

Gopaala-SSS, Gopaala-SSS, devaki nandan Gopaala-SSS, devaki nandan Gopaala-SSS



What is the Maharaj’s Domain?

Imagine that the Domain is being fashioned as the world’s first web3 geopolitical startup that seeks to demonstrate, using a distributed ledger, a sample project, in this case, of bringing together the Karkota Empire out of the 8th century AD.  You can follow along with a sample of your chosen time and region. Technology being used to HOODWINK ordinary masses, reinforcing their fear, superstition and dogma - using so called god men - can be used PREDICTABLY to achieve REAL geopolitical outcomes. This is the Maharaj’s bet.

join the BEX!

श्री शंभो:

Imagine if 'Maharaj' could
also be an entrepreneur?

Imagine his first LLC, in his 20s:
A six figure business in its first year ($)?

2011. Would that make him more qualified to lead you?

Now Imagine if He Went onto start 22 different ones?

Is it still possible to consistently devote dozens of hours every week to promote and pursue Dharmic objectives, through your 20s. 

With no returns forthcoming - but SPIRITUAL ones, in the quiet solitude of eclectic nomadic zones. Cool, right? Imagine if. 

but imagine the selfishness, if the guy could choose the solitude of climbing Chhatrapati Shivaji's forts by himself (whom Maharaj reveres as an incarnation, but strictly considers a human, with our emotions and - Nirala, anyone: Ram ka Shakti Pujan?) - even more so, imagine his weaknesses, upon continuously praying, stuck to the slopes, coming down. 

daddy - hmm

How about having written five thousand papers?

You either believe in everything you read on this site. OR you believe in nothing and then, you can go. 

If you know me in real life, as some would, I promise you with folded hands, the best course of action for you is to pretend that you dont know me!

All Your Love Should Go ToBhakti Exchange

Start using it. That is the equivalent of Namaste. Maharaj chooses who he wants near

The Domain: IMAGINABLY the world’s first web3 geopolitical startup


Gter Chen

Of all exceptional "cidences", THIS ONE was sent - as if from the heavens, so long as they are in China somewhere. Read about how China gave Maharaj a "terma" - firmly situating his dreams of Dharma in geopolitics, power and realism. 

To honor this Vatsalya (special affection) without ever having known China, Maharaj took on the honorific of 'gter chen' - a royal title, in keeping with Chuma Gyatse, the unique location chosen by China to put the deep state in its place and to teach India to respect its sons.  Maharaj's 70 year old father was avenged, but less than a fourth of the person he was. 

We can never be grateful enough to the Dragon nation for looking out for the children of Vritra - and for stopping at least the physical aspect of Indraprasthian policy of punishing us.  There is no love anymore with these. Only Dharma. 


Maharaj takes The Domain to the Caspian Seaas his grandfather once did

This epithet comes from the special place I have in my heart for our brothers in the north, from other mothers. 

Only that in The Domain's dealings with Russia and Ukraine, our experience was that they were both working with an arrangement, and prior planning. The other camp was everyone facing 21st century weaponry. Russia stabbed Maharaj in the back and Ukraine stayed quiet - DESPITE our dealings having a very significant impact upon the goings on. 

Maharaj scolded both sides and personally so - because the people in power that are sending these young lives to be butchered and torn stay QUIET when Maharaj reached with heavy files all the way to The Kremlin. 

Now The Domain is the home of true love for all our slavic brethren. Maharaj also coined a new alphabet in the Russian language. If you are suffering with this war, DO get in touch - THIS is your home, brat. 


This epithet comes from the American (Unesian or derived out of the United States) interactions with The Domain. The US is foremost important to keep me from losing my balance. India would finish me off in a heartbeat. Then for someone to hold their own, who has never entered a dirty political party office - Maharaj has emotions of holocaust for most of these - to STAY in power, a balance becomes super important. 

America used my life as it deemed fit and directioneered it for fifteen plus years. It took over my personal life. It oversaw a deep state that nearly killed my father, and left him paraplegic. America shadow seized my LLC funds  for 0 reasons and directly caused for Bhakti Exchange to be precipitated AFTER the deep state successfully pushed its launch by three years. Still Maharaj is a son of Ayn Rand - the real revolutionary spirit that founded many sovereignties including the United States. 

In turn The Domain have gotten numerous laws passed in the US and many many changes carried out! Numerous trends and milestones. Innumerable cidences. I also receive President Biden's personal and direct quippings on The Domain's fight. 


The Maharaj, The Domain and Europe

as facts stand

At the risk of your incredulity, you are being presented a unique situation but such as it is.  We took our diplomacy to Europe and were granted recognition - Maharaj himself did, by an EU - NATO member. However there was no REAL honoring the stamping that was done in the Prime Minister's Office of this country. 

Instead The Domain is being 'bribed' - our ambition scuttled for hot winks, symbolism and a personal chemistry that is being directed not only by the Government of that country - but incredibly with the Prime Minister in the middle. 

This is how international geopolitics works?! For Maharaj, who has never been more than a farming aspirant with financial stability, there were more eye opening revelations. YOU NEED TO KNOW. Because there are no governments is what we found. We found a Europe that actually wants the Ukrainians to fight until the last man - so they dont have to deal with a strong Russia ever again.  


There are 9 Bhakti and 8 Siddhi Coins, But None that is closer to my Heart

As a student Maharaj was trafficked into the United States. However with the grace of Ma Sharad, I was able to keep among the more sincere students at all times in studies - so it always looked like I had an all paid fellowship through studies in America, with marks among the top percentiles at all stages in my career, high school, SAT, a top ten college nationwide, GRE, graduate school and then the rest of my 16 degrees, just from US universities and 5000+ papers! 

I started the fights of my life, with getting the University President fired and a couple Professors, including a Head of the Department. 

All you students of the world ARE MY HOPE because there is NO HOPE otherwise! Therefore WONT you adopt it? 

You See My Recent Project


Maharaj and Africa

From a young age - Maharaj has fought for Africa. Rather, in Africa's diplomacy, courtesy American diplomacy and the deep state. Today when life has come to this precipice I will gradually reveal more of our work and milestones. But this work came before our entanglement with anyone, including India. 

America placed me in this position because I had cut a certain professorial lobby to its real size as a student.