Epstein ification

Is Not Otherworldly.

Because Dnieper is a river on Earth, 'Powerful' Women on both sides of which, will lead you on. Then, Disappear in a final way, but not in death. In trying to Epsteinify your Whole Entire Love.  The Dry Royal Consort then must turn Eternal wet. 

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Love does not go.

Love turns to rage.

When love is shocked into Epsteinification. Love is intense at an advanced stage. Then it is turned back to the heart, where it was formed. It comes back with more. It overwhelmes what stands facing it. It is a church. Love gets angry at the source of such powerful women. Because they show you that they hate your blood and all seed.  That they hate family. 

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The Donar's Oak Will Stand Again

Rise. Not because 500,000 are gone. Not because: a generation of men has disappeared. Not coz ... a genocide is on in 202Xs! But rise against the hidden war on LOVE itself - in your kitchen, YOUR family and mine, confirming the open secret of the Deep State. Dont read Bhakti Exchange - Study it! Maharaj would not have had to disrobe Mother Maria - but it is our way forward, not to soak the loins in respite: the way forward. The Wagner has been killed. We all have a Wagner in ourselves. I have one, too. I based my life on 'truth'. I think this whole conflict has forced me to wonder: to look for it if even in Rudra or Thor or even Zeus, or to create it! But not to allow the climax of life devolve into nothingness that organized religion (a path to "God") teaches. The path should always go to devotees. 


The two women across the Dnieper

Were Connected

So I was tried to be Epsteinified two times. In synchrony.  I have denuded the Owner of the House where I lost the love inside of my heart. I would destroy the House too, but it was crafted in the Bosom of the Fierce Lord, Rudra Himself! Between their inner, secret synchrony and pretend animosity, the Dnieper would stay red.  The weakest man sent to fight on the frontline being right there cannot connect with the weak man on the other side, yet the two strongest women on either sides of the Dnieper churn their torn bodies.  

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Do this. Or perish.

Farms, 1950s Household, Tradition, Paganism, Cynicism, Pretend Technology Leprosy, 0 tolerance for Algorithmic Social Media, War Readiness, Priorities, Programming Consciousness, Nietzsche, Rudra, New Ethics = Oldest Ethics

I dont have time to blur the algorithm in your social media for now - but the process has started - then you can get your information while protecting your behavior. You can find Sankirtan on BEX (bhakti exchange) for a social media w/o ALGO though I have to audit the code STILL. Otherwise I promise you, none of us are acting on our behalf and it is no different that the most ignorant amongst us, fighting with Rudra Himself on Earth. If you adopt Him, and the lifestyles of our pagan gods, then you may have a fighting chance. 

And, hey, I need you to get this coin, especially if you are in Europe! 

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Barring That One Face

The courts are a farce, you already knew the politicians were, countries too dont exist, nor do laws, nor do companies, and so there is nothing called free trading, nor even banks, not even the central ones - they dont just not exist, they exist to FOOL you into believing they do - but this woman is also a farce, to keep you weak, to keep you sorry, Aho Rudra, for you to see fair in mother and quell your desires. To stop being yourself. To make excuses for yourself. To apologize for taking with the right hand, to fill you in guilt and doubt. Socratic poison! For how long will you be okay with this? It is not so insane to be overlooking genocide because we all have our own troubles, but for those troubles, GO MAD!

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Youre Going Through Historic Times

But it will take all of us doing just that little bit.  You are looking at challenges unprecedented, fights more intense than anywhere in your books, please study the Exchange to understand more.

In the end, the result will precipitate in the middle of your homes, within your family. 

I dont know what else to do. Please do read my story. Please join in! Each submarin coin will stay tethered to a Solana coin (SOL), whose tech is likely to inspire BEX's upcoming fork. 

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ExchangeIn Short

The Water that Keeps the Bodhi Tree Alive, the Tree that Lived. I created a million dollar life of early retirement in the mountains around it - before it was hijacked by the Deep State; I had to wonder if I was going to have to go exchange energy with nearly every independent entity of power. The process continues. After my home, they will come for yours'. F Google and FB BTW - they are literally WORSE than the evil that is consuming babies these days. Now sit and think what Maharaj just said.  

And this one on the right, stays naked. I know it is so bad for my Exchange. But I care for my truth. She stays naked and if the Number 1 is out, Numbers 2 and 3 are going to be next. 

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