today2nd June

It has been one year and two weeks since I saw my children

Today I went out after 3+ weeks being inside the house and having come back from the mountains

Since work has been alright inside the house it also needed to continue today but I think I simply opened what I needed to work on today, in the morning

I took my laptop with me, an ageing MacBook with me, my car battery was down so I took my father’s

At some point of time I realized it was Saturday but even still I took the laptop to work on

The whole time that I was outside I was unable to bring myself to get the macbook from the car to start working and when I came home I watched a movie

So no work at ANY place I visited this Saturday, especially having stopped at a coffee shop hub.

And here is the cadence (we call it (coin)CIDENCE at bhakti and dharma exchanges because we deal with the ‘coin’ separately)


Saturday evening came this Prime Minister and she visits this Nordic cafe and it says, and Ive never seen this in my life, “No laptops on Saturday”, and she puts this on her status.

I wont take a picture to “prove” to you if you wont believe w/o.

This is my whole entire life.

You dont want this.

FIGHT with me.

PS: if you went over Domain you see more cidence. BUT there is a warning here. The Prime Minister and I have this one on one. That comes from semi-personal communcation between two people. Then you kind of are on alert for signs. Like her visit to the mountains, to coincide with mine.

I seriously am loging hope of keeping you engaged, dear reader, because I know this all sounds half insane and crazy.

It just is what it is.

PS: if you have worked in the government / agency – THEN no excuses for you. You know of what I speak.

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