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why are TOYAM COINS donations?

may be because there are so many other exchange platforms that cater to investment, but most definitely, bhakti exchange does not

this is not even so as to steer clear of numerous regional laws and regulations and agencies that want to regulate all investment, such as the SEC, using the Howey Act etc.

may be because there are so many other exchange platforms that cater to investment, but most definitely, bhakti exchange does not

this is not even so as to steer clear of numerous regional laws and regulations and agencies that want to regulate all investment, such as the SEC, using the Howey Act etc.

but the real reason is that TOYAM COINS are offerings to Krishna!

these are donations because Im sick of donations leaving the hands of the sources

the more responsible way to behave is to STAY the course – like a mother does

CONTROl your donations thus obtained SO the TEMPLE doesnt

a TEMPLE has no expertise in controlling money

half of all the misery is from religious proprietors coming into inordinate amount of money

most have difficulty being priests each day, every day – who will not?

plus a temple with lots of money becomes you know what? one that makes a variety of devotees stand at various places – treating you with dispensability

in all manners

THIS is a short version of WHY you as a devotee need to control your money

LISTEN – this leaky faucet that our donations become then pollute the whole nation

where you wont mix blood why should Mahalakshmi?

separate, be accountable and get ahead