I supported them when they appeared to be needing it – when the conflict started.
then gifts came – uninvited
eventually after three years of sending energy, and just one visitation, I can sit beside my holy books, my Gita and tell you, my honest feelings – they want you as enmasse
they see you as what they can get out of a colony rather than ALLOW exceptionalism or individualism
that they will CANCEL in you – when you exceptionalize them
so you all stay as one – and predictable to deal with
I could be talking to any nation in Africa that is in the honey moon phase with this Russian government.
These are my facts.
“yeh rus ki makkari hai,
jo maharaj par bhari hai”.
“It is after Maharaj’s support to Russia when it went to war, that it turned around and deceived him, and SABOTAGED his plans”
everything else IS only transactional and duplicitous