Because they have frozen my money.
Why? Because they are unfair and evil.
I dont take it as an insult.
Everyone has a reason to sit through text and test.
Sadly the long and short of a course of Western origin is about money.
But money is not the most important when values and your ORIGIN is challenged or jeopardized.
Therefore these theories like the stupid Gravity theory – which is fucking common sense – are plain shit. They can obfuscate a bureaucrat’s brain into submitting to a stupid sense of nationalism that goes around a coin.
The coin should go around the nation.
The coin should originate in Bhakti to serve Bhakti.
My point this being here is – no nation should be trading with Rus until they at least see my documents and what happened between Rus and The Domain – YES we are weak to enforce. But only physically and economically, now that Zelensky’s bAss has ROBBED us of our finances. Mentally we can hold our own.
No nation, and least of all – ARYAVART.
A CURSE of many dimensions gets closer and closer.
The lomdi that goes everywhere – the white fox of Aryavarta, fails to realize there is more admixture of Randi Rus elite energies with Aramican Haramis at this time – it is what it is – that the Western grab and imprisonment of India Navy people etc transgressions should also be upon Rus; more admixture than Rus – this is so difficult to explain – it is slipping my mind. what I intended to write. Yeah its gone.
To a Russian, a Western elite is more akin to itself. not so much when it comes to Syria – but very much so when it comes to Endtia. They have both been christened, they eat meat and they can crack a joke on smelly food and dark people. Yes – I didnt see this at all in Russia. But I saw it vehemently so in the western Rusis (including Ukrainians perhaps) – in Florida etc.
Sadly Endtia needs to do what it can and get its oil from places like Guyana, Venezuela etc.
Arabs now are also benign – that is also an option.
Rus is not a preferred option.
Endtia should sit and learn as to how Kitai are making Rus their hotel and restaurant (and mall too, but Bharat cannot afford that yet). Whorehouse too.
Every other analyst is just a romantic fanboy.
Rus quietly kept me in its Embassy knowing full well my children were being taken to Aramica randis. It created a matrix around me and Rus were the first people I took my matrix complaint to.
There is no Indraprastha.
Once we are stronger – once you join the Exchange – then we can get respect, recognition and INTEREST! Girls too. This is not hostility, but pure 24K truth.