Agar Tum Bhi Is Yagna Mein Hoge
...the Mother Devotee Maha Vrindavaneeshwari Will Cover Our Baked Skin...

Initially Offered Coins
Select the coins you like for yourself. However, an e-citizenship of the Domain is the first step. $0 for now.

Peer 2 Peer Swapping
Exchange Bhakti coins with peers. We do not intend to regulate this because it is not feasible. No KYC reqs.

The Decentralized Bhakti Exchange
Enough liquidity for Diwali. As per prevalent norms as well, we dont do KYC for our DEX owing to resource limitations.

The Centralized Bhakti Exchange
Become an e-citizen of the Domain here, first. It is 0 cost for now, and infinitely fulfilling. Think liquidity.

Learn the Nine (ten) Coins of Devotion
Because Maharaj was Matrix Trapped in one of these men's Embassies for 2 hours. While His children were being taken away from your own country - secretly.
What Do You Do When Emperors Break Promises?
Subsequently in one of these men's countries, Maharaj Ji was stabbed in the back - figuratively. But a breach of promise BURNS.
Maharaj Ji and the Domain Always Win
The Domain will win this battle as well. But at this time I will need everyone's help. Stop using what one of these men send to your countries. Our countries.
By definition, the Maharaj should be at the forefront
Please step forward if you are the flag bearer of Dharma, instead. Before that, make sure to go through his Domain's battles.
Learn These 9 Coins. Or are there 10? Dekho!
Learn to live with strength. In your own ecosystem. Or all of these small countries of the world will STEAL your sons and FARM your daughters.
And BREAK the Dharmic nation. Help Maharaj keep it safe within his Domain.

legal; contracts
The RUDRA coin out of the SHRAVANAM bhava is used for contractual or legal activity among devotees. Like ERC20. Fights Courts.

devotee social media
The GANESHA coin out of the SANKIRTAN bhava, is a fast token for devotee social media and Dharmic ecosystem. Like LBRY. Fights enemedia.

devotional cryptographs
The BAJRANG coin out of the SMARANAM bhava, is a token to reward and remember BHAKTI deeds. Like NFTs. Fights THEOCRACY.

western threshold coin
The PRABHUPADA coin out of the SEVA bhava is being designed as a THRESHOLD COIN – another innovation from Bhakti.Exchange to onboard Western devotees.

eastern threshold coin
The TOYAM coin bequeaths from the ARCANAM bhava in King Prthu in "worshiping the Lord". A THRESHOLD COIN, to onboard EE & Slavic devotees.

devotee banking A-Z
The MAHAMANTRA COIN bequeaths from the "BHAKTI VANDANA" bhava that is provided to us by EVERY SINGLE CLOSET DEVOTEE. Backed by real world assets. Fuck Banks.

anti reserve; RADHA deflationary
The KRISHNA COIN bequeaths from the "SAKHA" bhava that is provided to us by Lord Krishna Himself. Anti Reserve Coin. 6 Minted. Anti Inflationary.

northern threshold coin
The MAHALAKSHMI COIN bequeaths from the "VATSALYA" bhava. A THRESHOLD COIN, its there to fight our collective AMNESIA.

southern threshold coin
The RADHA COIN bequeaths from the "SHRINGAR" bhava. This is a threshold coin to onboard ordinary devotees and also to burn out Krishna tokens.
Krishna's truth and nothing but. The war up above or all the ones listed below are not decided in a court of law.

The Unwilling
My honest truth is I wish to be with my children and my wife. But I was forced to play this role fourteen years now - and the ashram role. If I dont play these roles, you will not listen. There is lots to tell you. Forget all you know. Come. We are just getting started.

The Domain
"your" domain
Reared in blood, this is the closest Maharaj Ji has gotten to a Dharmic ecosystem, an overseer of Maharaj ji's nation-states to call home, where Dharmic rights are preserved as best as possible. You dont have a country.
Our 9 coins are mirrored across all major chains. Careful sending!
More blockchains shall be added imminently. For now the intent is to keep all txns at 0 cost, and not be prone to blockchain specific risk. Our own zero knowledge proofs blockchain, over POS, with masternodes and the possibility to cold stake, not to mention the much needed Dharmic DAO is soon to be implemented.

Bhakti Tantra
...explore in detail at The Domain. Take e-Citizenship! Serve the Conservative Cause, Serve Dharma! Or die.

Stories From The Frontline
Jaag jaao - ya sab kuchch bhul jaao
Bura lage, chale jaao
Man kare to saath chalo
Battle Honors
and, exploits