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Weak White boise, and five ice

Afghanistan would have been so easily tackled if the men were genocided.

The women are nice.

The land is good – if its good for China and may Krishna bless China, then I guess you were inept to nicely lay the b down.


This American Taliban was trained to take the lives of innocent and rightfully awarded Photographers, otherwise their brethren. When will someone own up to feasting on that family?


ENE coin is STOPPING the fight for America as a whole. We only focus on its FOREIGN POLICY until we achieve at least this much.

Besides, it doesnt even matter who is in the White House.

Why should we fight for which old white geezer is in it?

But the USA has done all this as documented using its foreign policy and NSA like agencies that then exchange fluids and identities with social media.

Thus, this needs to be taken in our hands.

And I want to call on all my American brothers and sisters that are AS DISTURBED seeing all this.

Join me for this is all meaningless without you all.

Fuck Biden and Fuck Trump. Besides America has no meaning without foreign policy because its duplicitous dollar eats external valuations ONLY then does it come to value. It is true its value is in the formidable might of the military and technology.

And where is all this used?

On INNOCENT GIRL CITIZENS of USA that the USA government first PUSHES out of their own country USA. THIS IS WHY Domain will take its fight for sovereign land to HELL.

THEN such innocent citizens ARE USED TO embed themselves in foreign governments using breeding programs.

THEN – the breed is achieved.

THEN begins the games of blood with THESE SAME FAMILIES – that they have tortured to this extent.



At least look WHO these people are?

They are those that control ALL of what is happening in the USA and BEYOND.

Since I found myself at the helm, I will not abandon this ship.

I will keep building this coin as a primary means to TAKE BACK CONTROL.

And to rein in that State Dept employee that I reference on the home page.

AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY IS ALREADY PLAYING PLAYS AROUND ME APPARENTLY – JUST UNCONTROLLED FOR NOW. Please know this about how a nation runs: it is not Trump – its a collection of HUGE chains of influence, and NOT who is in the State Dept.

TAKE charge and CREATE a clean foreign policy that is common sense!


Isn’t it outrageous that this is the implication

stop making a fool out of ordinary people

joined the domain in explaining to the common people that we have been in a Civil War, and we continue to be in the middle of a Civil War, and if history is the guideline, then for all of foreseeable future, the Civil War is going to simmer

the domain, and the exchange are both the ultimate keepers of peace in wanting to runaway to the mountains, and forget all revenge

but from our example, and from the example of the Maharaj, everyone should learn that there is no running from this, and that they are going to steal you from your mountain home of peace, steal your dreams, and break your homes, no matter where you are

on the other hand, if you will not realize that we are in the middle of a Civil War, because the United States is cut away from the rest of the world then you will not believe how most of this excess mortality can be attributed to the Covid war and the deep state vaccinations

they have killed so many of us of you, and since they are reaping souls one at a time, we are not getting angry all of a sudden in the way that we perhaps should

for all of the families on the front line for all of the energies on the front line for all of the little domains, including the examples mentioned on the homepage. The war is a reality, and we have been feeling it since before much before the last presidential election of President Biden.

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facts on the ground are that

there is only one entity Maharaj can imagine that has more degrees than himself.

Chat GPT.

If education was a sin, then like other sins, the Mayadeshic element took that on itself as well – apart from other “sins”.

Education is no sin.

Neither is love.

But Mayadeshic elements have been a Jesus like presence because it is very apparent that not only has it confused the natural elements of a fulfilled existence into sin and but taken them on in the ways it ahs seen around.

I attach pictures only when I feel more enthused than I normally would.

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Why Should Maharaj file 1099-MISCs? WHY?

For fifteen years of my association with Aramica, I filed every form and all paperwork. I ensured 100 pc compliance. TO WHAT END? See the ene coin site.

Now, this email wants me to do the same this year.

Indeed, there were Aramican contractor(s) that presented themselves Beyond the Wall like normal workers.

But upon the head of my little girl, my only girl, and I swear upon the Holiest Book the Bhagavad Gita, that this/these contractor(s) were worker(s) out of the Aramican Gormint or Deep State, that made themselves at home in Maharaj’s home, made themselves LIKE FAMILY in my home – and in collusion with the Aryavarti Gormint, GOT MY CHILDREN KIDNAPPED (perhaps to weaken the Domain?) and taken across international borders.

Then could they be said to be working for me? Or working for the Aramican and Aryavarti gormints / their deep state?

Then why should I issue a form to rub humiliation into my own wounds?

Legally, too, who were they employed with then?


Of that later.