October 2023 Relentless Hits by Top Western Bank - 2 Years Brutalization MilestoneGaslighting Your Life Savings
ene (1)

Are you offended?

You must wait to be offended. Blood continues to flow out of Mayadesh:ah limbs - Aramica, the best I can hint.  The image above shows my 70 + year old parent, upon my shoulders, beyond the wall, in Aryavarta. My non-white parent has just been in a make believe accident. It is not accurate to accuse the Mayadesh:ah agencies of doing this, nor even agencies of any other one country. However I do accuse the Aramica/Mayadesh:ah agency craft of being in the know.  They know/knew everything. They also create all information there is to know.  One more thing: if it was not Aramica - then it was the foremost ally of Aramica that attempted to murder a patriot of 70+ years - that unfurls flags on the right days and has been on life supporting medication for decades.  

ene (1)

My white parent

My white parent was slowly put to death by the deep state in full cognizance of the military apparatus, including the VA, of the Disagreeable States of Aramica. In his teens, my white parent was seeded with a special liver cancer such as - that perhaps everyone but the VA could figure, ironically from his time at Camp Lejeune. And oh yeah flat feet, too - over active combat.  The Stage 4 liver he managed for 41 years was toast after an unwarranted / dispensible TIPS procedure, that led to uncontrolled ammonia buildup and death. 

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ene (1)

East and West

My pagan, non white parent and my white catholic parent were scheduled for murder at one time, across the seven seas, various agencies playing their various, respective roles. Yes - I knew and I failed to stop either attack. Not for an instance do you imagine that this is TRAUMA DUMPING - you are speaking with the Maharaj Himself. If this is where I found my family, I dont want to show you the mirror.  My family was and continues to be targeted because of the geopolitical war defining our times, AND the deep state is LOSING. Maharaj and the Domain are winning. Or I wont be here, writing. Im a writer, too. A writer of special things for special occasions.    

ene (1)

Speaking of Writers

Maharaj's first and lingering girlfriend (of several) has been Ayna Rand. He left engineering midway as a teenager to write a series of books themed over Rand. Maharaj's fight with the establishment in the end, has to do with crony capitalism - not Randian capitalism. He had literally stood first in class the year previous - so the affair was serious. No worries.  He went on to matriculate into a PhD program in Engg in short order, somewhere in NY.  At the time of this writing Maharaj has over 16 professional university degrees, without paying a dollar. Instead, quite on the contrary.  Just from in the US. There have been more from Aryavarta and the Middle East. Maharaj actively pursues a new Master's program in Diplomacy from somewhere on the East Coast. 2023-24, in his late thirties. 

ene (1)

Trafficking and War

The Disagreeable States of Aramica got Maharaj, and excuse me for being rude, his male parts, TRAFFICKED. To university professors all over the East Coast. He luckily for the agencies - did not know that this has happened with him. Then the agencies and the wider deep state would use this perpetration to weaponize Maharaj's work and trail in his lead. STEAL victimization. Maharaj by then had already won personal wars - getting a few professors removed, including a couple university Presidents.  Professionally, they kept their tenures. The mother of all traffickers, federal agencies that fund grants, science, education and research conserved their inertia - properly. Nothing happened to them. 

ene (1)

Who am I? And.

I am a furious, Dharmic man - I bring this up first because that is where I get my power, from my pagan Gods (and yours' - merely the names are different). I want you to be original - but it is enough if you will help me save people suffering in Aramica / Mayadesh:ah. Look: I dont want "them" to declare full on war on my life (well that is on - I mean), so I will use names that I can, at any point of time. If I don't - I cant offer you my e-citizenship. Okay? My nation states exist in spite of the traditional states - all over.  You dont have to be trapped in the land that you are living. Taking up on the offer - it is essentially free - you shall honor me as your king. I dont have time to explain everything on this site.  But kids and parents should stop dying as above. F agency. BTW any person from deep state joins in, everything is forgiven and you get special treatment. There is no enemity, no revenge - only good dharma.  

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ene (1)


Don't ask me. Still, no one will ever get answers over why did the evacuation not happen from over Bagram? Why was everything rushed? Why did anyone ever go in Kabul city? Why are those people that helped the Mayadesh:ah slash Aramica on every FRONTIER being PERSECUTED and THEIR FAMILIES targeted individually? Especially the locals around Bagram. WHY did that car get purposely blown away, with children inside - in response. Why is the Mayadesh:ah administration apparently after the family of the King, Himself? Enter the deep state. It was the Domain that seeded Viden's unique cabinet composition / appointments. Maharaj has been fighting the Matrix - uniquely defined for my special Level 2 members since before the internet. More for my special brothers and sisters. My fighters - BTW someone is putting this MMA chap up to all of Maharaj's business, as well.  

ene (1)

Drumpf is Worse. Also, forget Viden.

Drumpf is worse because he pretends to give you (Mayadesh:ah / Aramica) residents hope - Maharaj supported him PUBLICLY in mid 2010s when he declared his candidature. Maharaj also supported Drumpf's minions around the world. I am also the original minion crafted in 2010. Anyways.  But what Drumpf peddles is false hope. Unless, your Maharaj - your King, SHOWS you the absolutely - incredibly absolutely neutered state of the ex-Pres. Drumpf's State Dept, with proof, I will have no right to lecture you! So get this: the reason Drumpf was neutered in mid-2020 (I know - elections weren't declared, until end of that year) by the Maharaj Himself, was because Drumpf swept under the RUG - an incident report of a rape that Maharaj himself carried to the Mayadesh:ah embassy in the heart of Indraprastha. 



ene (1)


Listen and get ahead. Zelenskyy doesnt have the Epstein files on Viden. President Viden has himself shown us that he is in the beyond, when it comes to anything that can be contained in a file that starts and ends, even if you dismiss it like McGregor, that there is a file. What can possibly be in such a file? If anything, President Biden has shown us at great personal ridicule that "someone else" is in charge. Now we are onto the machinery of the state. Allow me to call it Aramican machinery / alphabet agencies, or: Mayadesh:ah, may be I am too afraid of these agencies to take real names.  May be. 

ene (1)

Agency and Craft

Alphabet Agency said: the President is the last person to sign in on the order to evacuate, for just the one example I NEED you to find offensive in question, above.  On every front, Mayadesh:ah or Aramica is in a similar or worse situation - when it could have taken its time. We will go into details. Stay with me. What if you think the Agency or the statecraft has a superlative incidence of international ties, marriages and origins - anything that predisposes them to being ANTI - Mayadesh:ah. But that is in the fabric of Mayadesh:ah. What if I tell you I know what is wrong. 

ene (1)

What I Know!

But don't you wish I would rather remediate this situation - than tell you publicly, what is wrong so they can work on the weekend and hide it and fix it? You see, they themselves don't know what is wrong and where, besides I promise you they cant fix it. Such is the way, that the agency is crafted. On the chest of the interests of the nation-state.  It would take someone as big as President Kennedy to overlook this, and set a precedent for us. But what could it singularly be that I am here to talk with you: to be mine (1) and to give me your strength (2).  

ene (1)

What I Dont Know

The alphabet agency didnt know I was one of them - and truth be told, neither did I - Maharaj (most likely) coined this term because of his frequent wars with its payrollees and contractors - before you heard it. But I was a kid then - early 20's. Now imagine adding a couple more of these satellite alphabets - devnagari, aramaic, slavic from various other satellite countries. All this while I worked on something dear to me: learning Dharma - righteousness, and establishing my OWN system of nation states. I will do what Jesus too, once did: go and learn. My years in agyatvaas - hidden years. 

nayaaaa shakti (nepal)

'My snake is more mean'

Look, you have your own snake - I have my own snake.  And mine is somewhere on this Exchange, posing in His element.  If you will become my Aramican / Mayadesh:ah subject, and hold me as your King - I will tell you more about these snakes, because you will be working to PRESERVE and STRENGTHEN what we all have gotten in the mightiest nation state ever to have existed. Even if you HATE Aramica or if you hate the Mayadesh:ah, I will teach you why you STILL should come and join me to preserve your powers, alongside the Mayadesh:ah. 

ene (1)

Whose country is this?

Thank you for your question. I don't know how much of this is your country - but I am going to war for it. You should join me. Then it will become your country, too. It is the propensity of the nation-states to offer passports, to make dual, triple citizens out of foreigners! The Maharaj has a propensity of teaching you the science of devotion and the devotee, so you can be dually-theistic, triply-theistic or poly-theistic.  Just as two countries like Mayadesh:ah and Aramica can co-exist, so also many high dimensional powers exist that to you will be "hmm hmm". If I did not mix these two sections, they will not go inside you. 

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ene (1)

If Kennedy couldn't.

I could. I have already started, and it does appear, The Domain is winning. At last. 

The honest declaration is that I was kind of positioned to look back in the eyes of the devil - I told you about the weaponization of the crime they committed on my person. So I did. The Mayadesh:ah law that throttles you - for example, you cannot record people WRONG-ing you!!!, you see, I have stayed further along and away for years. But Mayadesh:ah has always been a part of me - it will always be. Mayadesh allowed me to get my Dharmic Kingdom back - check the rest of these BEX sites. Without Mayadesh:ah, I would be lunch probably, long back.  I think it makes sense for you to join me in my mission to save Aramica slash Mayadesh. 

ene (1)

What are your powers?

I fart natural gases - right from out of Braveheart. No. I owe favors, because that is my nature.  Aramica played the central role and continues to - in me getting my own back.  I found Aramica and Mayadesh and Aryavarta overtook with a cancerous corporatocracy - but with a poisonous deep state overhang, and no government. This is also me giving back, absolutely to people that are as accepting and open as Aryavartis themselves.  Fight with me, a nation-state is subject to politics.  Drumpf, or another President is useless. Mayadesh:ah by itself has always held so many nation states - but none to salvage the people and their ferocity. Please go to the top of the page and please get offended now.  



ene (1)

A Liability?

This is a personal appeal project, and I am trying to establish just such a connection. Straight with you. My wife’s family - I would call it immediate - having given the Republican Party and the state of Pennsylvania, perhaps one of its longest serving (over 20 years) lawmakers could not move Drumpf into SO MUCH AS letting me know - that I - of all people, had been trafficked as a young adult - in one of his universities.  The Drumpfian administration kept quiet (if Drumpf didnt even know, my point and position are again vindicated).  It was the deep state and then this new, Viden administration that SPOKE IT FROM THE HORSE’s MOUTH, LOUDLY. Facts and details on my case, straight out of the House. 

ene (1)

The Virtue of Power is Forgiveness

And therefore, I intend to sign a decree absolving Hunter Biden from all charges, brought on and not brought on, wielding the powers vested in me by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as King of Mayadesh:ah (and Aramica). You need to see me apolitically - otherwise find your own King.  Please believe me when I say this that I have reasons to do so.  I do not experience fear and I do not court any favors.  I like to mind my own business, and fight.  Believe me and let me leave it at this.  I will not consider what you bring to me because most likely, entities bigger than you have brought me more than you can bring, possibly. In any case, you are not more committed to the results and process. Not more than I am. 

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ene (1)

No King of Mine

That is unfortunate for you and me, because not unlike myself, you appear to have no one, either. 

ene (1)

You Are a Pretend King. Yes.

Get lost.

ene (1)

If Youre Still Here, I’m Real For You

If I was satisfied with pretend powers, I would not be here after effecting most of all you see happening around you.  Still, I never wanted these extra IRS agents to harass the common folk of Aramica that must endure master after corporate master, that grinds these in your face to keep you from rebelling.  While you know which Spotless Street of Old York has always granted immunity to all financial crime.  I am here to give you recourses.  Or at least tell you, this is how it is - there are none, or there are few, or this is how it is.  

Pause: if the above doesnt make sense, may be it is a way for you to RESEARCH all of the other sites: domain, family, maharaj etc. If you dont want to, another technique will be to repeatedly read the portions. Then you will see that there must be a reason why something is in there. Breathe and read. Breathe. 

ene (1)

Am I forcing you to be Dharmic? Pagan?

You already were before they came with a sword - you are the only one between us that doesnt have a memory anymore. Or is your agency forcing me to be Aramican? I am dead log of wintery wood. You can put me in the middle and if yo will apply pressure on one side, I will make sure to thoroughly transmit.  The agency left no stone unturned in killing the Aramican in me because he or she was Randian instead of clearing its corporo-CANCER.  But if I were an American, they would have RAPED me - like they did to any that stuck his/her head out. Over one such rape case in particular, I reached out to the Aramican (sounds like Harami in Muzz language) embassy in Chanakyapuri in Indraprastha, which then led to this entire world war - surreal, right?  I can only do this much and then I am done perhaps. 

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ene (1)

It is Better to Not Break Agency

I have told you the truth. I still think there is a need for agency. But controlled and answerable to us all.  You are not worth it because they have not ruined you yet. That leaves me. It is fitting. My family has been through all this persecution at the hands of the Machinery of the Disunited States of Aramica. Join me. Then you dont have to, also. Neither does your familly. Tell them when they come, that you belong to me. BTW: from beyond the wall. Tell them you have paid the price, already, via me. Then make mayadesh:ah with me. Look! Over the highest honor of all honors awarded on the Sankirtan Social Media for participation (social media without information operations): right there is YOUR home upon the badge! 

ene (1)

To the Parents

to(sic) the parents of these thirteen babies that died: when you go to these hearings in still your western top dollar suits, please also be mindful that beyond the wall, Aramica is throwing pregnant American citizens in the shitholes of third world hospitals and getting them RAPED. Yes! And their pictures taken by teams of gynae doctor(s) using mobile phones - prominent doctors, top ranked in communities of hundreds of millions of people - using agency level social media information operations. Bear this outrage too. DONT take Viden's money for your son's torn limbs and your daughter's memory. Take your country back. 

2016 end.

Yes so these were Demo-dog-rat-tick times. 

Then when a formal complaint is brought to the Re-pee-public-am administration, they tell their citizen to “GO HOME”. Also - the deep state then starts attacking and perpetrating GRAVE GRAVE GRAVE acts of violence upon the family of your Aramican citizen. This is your Aramica - and I will break it if I can. 



ene (1)

with Indraprastha?

You should feel privileged that despite what Aramican haramis did to The Domain - tried to, LOOK Maharaj has emerged stronger - that Maharaj has opened his heart, AND HIS WALLET - the entire devotional exchange that should be off limits some can argue - is open to every soul oppressed under the Aramica haramis. Then you become a Domaineer. Then you are one of us. When Maharaj said goodbye to the State Dept - the “Rose” at the Aramican Harami Embassy of Chanakyapuri in Indraprastha, said: “you will have to start all over again”. These words were said to Maharaj when giving up His ties for good, with the Aramican harami gormint of the Disunited States of Aramica.  When - Maharaj managed TWO colonies of Aramican Haramis. One in Africa and ofcourse one in Indraprastha. This is the return of the colony. We are not like UKRAINE to be BUTCHERED with a slow drip of weaponry. We are not TAIWAN. This marriage with Indraprastha will be defining. 

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ene (1)


The Aramican man WILL NOT FORGET WHAT their Aramican Harami gormint did to fellow Aramicans beyond the wall. There is an orgy of blood beyond the wall. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? Join Maharaj - He is as much YOURS’ as He is of and to His Gods. Now His children and wife have been kidnapped by the Aramicans who came to His city in disguise. Read and research this whole thing. Maharaj’s prerogative is to do as Rose bitch said 10 years ago -after the ARAMICAN HARAMIS have done all that you see and ten times more - information that cannot be revealed at this time / to the highest Domaineers - with badges.  President Viden’s method to his madness is blunt in his sophistication that even YOU look up from your Chipotle bowls. Yes I love girls.  But is it you among us that LOVES violence and TEARS and WRECKS. You like body bags, so long as they are your favorite colors? Dont FRONTRUN with my information - JOIN IN the Domain and work as one with me. I have not even told you more than what will get you to join at this stage. This whole thing is a circus. AGAIN - blanket amnesty to all agency workers. Join me. Add to the pool of secrets which I will shortly start. No one has any reason to worry. We just need a healing resolution. 

ene (1)


The oriental especially Aryavarti tradition is to wed your baby girl and to see to it that her home has what she needs to do: her home, the utensils, the appliances. This is how the whole world runs outside Aramica harami gormint controlled systems. The Aramican Harami gormint tradition is to ride on the back of its own daughters so they can use her like a plow. These are not emotional things. These are factual things that appear like emotional things. Facts are indeed stranger than fiction. Aramican - especially ZIONIST factions reap the blood and the toil and the uterus and the placenta of poor daughters out their country. No one can help. The Aramican Harami gormint tradition is not spoiled by wearing small skirts, but compusorily taking off what they (or their daughters) wear. The reason I didnt want to dwell on the first scene above is exactly what I feared. Maharaj notes with gravity the passing of three more lives - but NOTE their lives mean more in the death. They bring in the diversity factor. At least, this administration doesn’t want you to feel discriminated in death. BTW: I SWEAR it was the deep state that DOUBLED the storage unit costs one fine month in 2015 and Maharaj couldnt afford it - had to come and liquidate ties. ALL MAJOR THINGS are being scripted by this Aramican Harami Gormint controlled deep state - ON BOTH SIDES. To crush you. To bleed you. To sell you. To enslave your babies. 

ene (1)

Links, Representation.

We need a research body to look into Rosicrucianism and other linkages between Christ and Dharma. Christ was a student of Dharma for many many years in the heart of the Home of Maharaj in Kashmir. There are legit monasteries there with His artifacts and His feet. Please see we dont need a Gormint anymore than we need Covid. Please see researchers like Dr Campbell and it APPEARS very strongly that the deep state fought but instead of killing itself or pieces of each other, they took pieces of Citizenry all over the world. YOU WERE NOT REPRESENTED. YOUR INTERESTS WERE NOT REPRESENTED. They fought and so badly they did fight that a third of us seem to have GHASTLY clotting in our bodies, Krishna forbid. When Maharaj’s Aryavarti subjects could not be targetted, the next year specialized vaccines that targetted JUST the aryavarti population was sent. But if I ask you to take up NOT arms, but proverbial arms, then Hey - Im a fringe element! They murdered your family. They tried to murder the rest that lived. Maharaj has provided enough information at this stage for you to come and rest with The Domain. The Domain existed BEFORE all known civilization. Come be a part of it. Then you can be whatever you desire in addition. Okay? Only growth. Nothing take from you. 

ene (1)

Before Ukraine

They came for Maharaj's Domain. Before Taiwan, before Tibet, before South Sudan, before EU and NATO that are next on the cancel list. Before Mormons in Mexico. They came for Maharaj's domain - and in 1 month their local Zelenskyy, pertaining to The Domain's affairs, was left neutered. 

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ene (1)

Lets Take Trump at Face Value

Even then - all he can do is moan and cry and sob and send what a couple dozen people inside the most boring elderly abuse nursing home in the world - and then deny over and over and over and over? They stole your election and you were the - what were you? The Most Powerful man in the World that pushes world leaders aside. 

ene (1)

The Google Bugle

Did you hear it? It was for the ENE coin. Hard to digest something so STRANGE and then you read on Domain and find truth is still stranger. 

ene (1)

Truth Alone Triumphs

Why should I sell myself to you? Why should I pretend to be anyone I am not. I fought for American values and America against entrenched Islamist and other academic lobbies when I - TRUST ME - I had no reason to. This is me. The best among you has failed and you can thank me for allowing you to ONBOARD my ship with everything that you are. Together we can save the IDEA of America, the values in that culture. Reward where it is due. Democracy is poison. Take the e-Citizenship of the Domain because Maharaj is TRUE. BUY the ENE coin. SUPPORT it with me on the Exchange that I hold dear as life. 


NOT WITH THE LARGEST BANKS OF NYCafter you file corpration paperwork, file taxes, file annual reports, file corporate resolutions, file state taxes, file for your agentsSTILL THEY SEIZE YOUR MONEY. STILL FOR ABT ONE YEAR - THEY GIVE NO NOTICES. YOU KEEP BEGGING THESE NYC BANKS.




thu,may 23

Buddha's Special Day

Gainesville, Florida

sun,jun 09


Philadelphia, PA

sun,jun 16


Mexico City, MX

fri,aug 14

At the Beach

Undecided, Costa Rica

sat,sep 5


Nassau, Bahamas