Expect you and your shit is all naked. Read the Domain. I have said there is no privacy, no encryption, no segregation of information at all. Yesterday I spent hours on connection protocol errors after renewing a simple SSL becuase I have to. Otherwise not only does all the agency craft and governments of small pedophobe countries like FInland KNOW all about you, they likely got you here to their ends. There is no privacy. No data can be promised to be safe. But I will try more than all the others that you see!
Have a problem? Give your donations to the temples that usurp it or to the Boards that are controlled by teh Governments.
One time my grand father and I were passing a gurudwara – and he said to me, “paisa dikhta to hai yaha”
In other words, at least donations made by their devotees to their Gurudwaras is VISIBLE always.
Thats what Im trying to do – this is a donation specific platform. Take your concerns away from me. One less headache for me.
Oh – and I will use everything from you: your data, my cookies etc – as per the needs of the Exchange – but you know I mean only the best for Dharma and devotees like you even before that.
The rest is on you.