Yellow Flower


BNB Valuation, against BEX reserves


Initial Mint

I know what it feels like, to discover there is not the country you thought you had — now we both have not! Winning the deep state is one less enemy to all our States.

When you take the Domain’s e-Citizenship, you fulfill Guru Padmasambhava’s mandate


Years Maharaj gter chen གཏེར་སྟོན fought for passports!


Years of Parental Separation


Enjoy a near absence of Most Transaction Fees (Until BEX launches BhaktiChain, we are BEC20) – just as Guru Rinpoche’s snow lion performs on fear

Día de Muertos


Termas Maharaj has Captured Thus Far!! Can you imagine this? Imagine if your heart tells you its refutable!!

There is one more, but I am not sure on it! But I dont want anything if you wont let me justify it! This I promise you!

Candy Skull Red

The First  —  Yeshe Tsogyal

& the Mother of tantra

the mother of tantric Buddhism was herself having to evade capture in her early life – her feminity. she still hadnt met Guru Rinpoche, because she was later carrying him – like a tigress, once she knew what she had to do with what she was born with – her body.

Princess of Karchen Lady Kharchen

Life and Death
Spirit of choise

The swift goddess, the heroic liberator

Camino al panteón
Sugar candy skull

Yeshe taught a foreign culture how a Guru is to be treated without likely ever having any experience with Dharma previously. If she helped built the Tiger’s nest, she likely also helped with Samye!

Yeshe Hid Terma with Guru Rinpoche

Now think of the king who had to be managed first

· In The Precious Garland of Lapis Lazuli ·

Live Music

Fight alongside The Domain

Traditional Music

The 02nd  —  Mandarava

Singular Queen Mother of Attainment

  • Great Play of the Quintessential Lotus and the Treasury of One Thousand Essential Instructions of Tantra on the Union of Hayagriva and Vajravarahi

As Mandarava attained the vajra rainbow body, (jalus), she is held to be present in the world now spreading and inspiring the Dharma through various incarnations in both the east and the west.

And Being Her Master’s Trident

Washington Post

03  —  ShakyaDevi, The Nepal Princess Consort


The princess Dakini that encouraged Guru Padmasambhav Himself to start hiding His termas. Imagine convincing a grown up woman to play hide and seek with you. Imagine a renounced woman with years of penance behind Her, convincing a Revolutionary Guru to do so.

*** The Goosewebbed Dakini

Interactive Workshops

The Spiritual Support of Guru Rinpoche

Photographic Exhibition

It is said that many years later when Yeshe Tsogyal visited Yanglasho, Shakyadevi the former consort of Guru Padmasambhava was still practicing as a Yogini.

I just started wondering what an intense, deeply intense presence Guru Rinpoche would have had

Shivaji maharaj would have much more than met his match

Regional Dance

Mandarava suckling Kalasiddhi as a tigress

Traditional Rituals

REAL and traditional feminism, anyone? Yes pls.

04  —  Kalasiddhi

The Consort from India

As she suckled upon her already dead mother in the charnel grounds, looking for milk, having been left there … she arose great temper in her observer: Mandarava, who broke her sadhana and turned into a tigress. Then the trident of Rinpoche Himself fed the little girl Kalasiddhi on her own feline breasts, while keeping the body of the mother warm. Then her and Yeshe Tsogyal, in a larger, later role, would raise Kalasiddhi to be presentable to their Guru, who granted Kalasiddhi mercy and accepted her as a consort when she was already 14.

Yeshe Tsogyal, the Goddess of Tibetan Buddhism Herself kept watch over Kalasiddhi for years after Guru Rinpoche, with as much guidance and care!

When Such Were Women, When Such Were Gurus They Became a Second Buddh, and Won Countries Without Wars, With Brilliance

Read the Lady of the Lotus-Born so you can become properly feminist, not bish. read to learn how shakya devi talks to yeshe tsogyal and they both revere and speak of the one and only rinpoche. I say this because most men today – many, are animal like, and if they don’t stand up for themselves, not each other, may be dispensible trash.

05 — The Student of Yeshe!

Tashi Khyidren

Tashi Khyidren manifested as the tiger we know to have carried both Yeshe and the Guru Rinpoche from the Samye, the first Tibetan monastery to the Tiger’s Nest, in Bhutan where her father was the diseased King, and practised Vajrakilaya in the cave of Sengyephu.

Tashi was actually Yeshe’s disciple, who then offered her to The Rinpoche, who was merciful enough to accept her as his consort.

The tigress beyond the tigress Yeshe

Typical Ofrenda
Regional Food

The Gift of Bhutan to Lord Rinpoche

I want to dedicate this coin to the fierce divinity the consorts and students of the Guru Rinpoche radiated and attributed despite accepting births amongst us!

A Lesson in feminity


Ferocious Feminism Befitting a Tigress

But not in getting on the top of a man did the many tigresses of the Guru Rinpoche leave memories and INSPIRATIONS – that we remember to this day, when we have internet and so many varieties of stars.  It is hard work but one should commit to reading what you can tolerate. If you can read Rand, you can read anything. I am just trying levity in inertializing you to Yeshe, to Mandarava!

Remembering Rinpoche


Imagine how this man, took his bones and his fierce temper to the Queen of Tibet who started a revolt, and stole the King’s mind and placed it in the path of Dhamma, while being thrown out of Tibet – by subduing the spirits of a foreign land! Only a hundred years or so, up or down, the Karkota Empire with the Tangs would barely manage such a feat.

The fight teaches


Maharaj wants to bring the forces of Dharma together because we are coming to hard times. What they did to me, they will do to you next. Rise, therefore!

Bhakti Exchange is Yours in Pagan Dharma

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